Calaveras County








            William L. Buckley, a prominent physician practicing the regular profession in Milton and also filling the office of coroner and public administrator of Calaveras County, was born in the city of Stockton, this state, on the 14th of October, 1870.  He is a son of William Samuel Buckley, a California pioneer of 1853 who was born in Parkersburg, Virginia in 1829, and is of German and Scotch ancestry, the founders of the family in America being early settlers of the Old Dominion.  He was educated in Virginia and in Portland, Oregon.  He crossed the plains to California in the year when so many people suffered from the cholera, many graves marking the route of the emigrants.  He, too, was ill with the disease, but recovered.

            In Oregon he formed a company of men who went with him and fought in the war with the Indians.  For a time he resided in Walla Walla, Washington, and he pursued a law course in Portland, Oregon, being admitted to the bar in that state.  Subsequently he engaged in practice in Liberty, California, where he successfully continued in business until 1870, in which year he was appointed county judge of San Joaquin County.  On the expiration of his term he was elected to that office for a term of four years and later he was elected superior judge and again occupied a position on the bench.  He served for twelve years in a judicial capacity, and during his term as superior judge he had the honor of administering the oath of office to two of California’s governors at the time of their inauguration.  He was a lawyer of pronounced ability, his knowledge of legal principles being comprehensive and profound.  He was at home in all departments of law from the minutiae in practice to the greater topics wherein is involved the consideration of the ethics and philosophy of jurisprudence and the higher concerns of public policy.  His fidelity to his clients’ interests was proverbial and therefore his clientage was very extensive.  In politics he was an active member of the Democratic Party, and although he did not allow partisanship to influence him in the slightest degree when on the bench, when not in office he did much effective work in promoting the inters of Democracy.  He was prominently connected with mining enterprises and took a deep interest and active part in the development of natural resources of the state and also its progress along intellectual lines.  He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, the Ancient Order of United Working, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias fraternity.

            In 1865 Mr. Buckley was happily married in Liberty, California, to Miss Minerva C. Crawford, a lady of refinement and culture.  She was born in Quincy, Illinois, and was a daughter of M. C. Crawford, a California pioneer.  The Judge and Mrs. Buckley became the parents of six sons, but the Doctor is now the only survivor of the family.  The Judge departed this life on the 1st of April, 1891, in the sixty-first year of his age, and thus was called from earth one of California’s ablest and best pioneer citizens.  His widow still survives him, at the age of fifty-three years, and occupies her pleasant home in Stockton, esteemed and beloved by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance.

            Dr. Buckley was educated in Stockton and Portland, Oregon pursuing his preparation for medical practice in the university of the latter state.  He was graduated on the 2nd of April, 1894, after which he put to practical test the knowledge he had acquired by entering the Good Samaritan Hospital.  On completing his professional duties there he opened an office in Stockton, where he remained for three years, and in 1897 he came to Milton, where he has since been located.  He at once entered upon his practice and here enjoys the confidence and good will of the citizens of Calaveras County.  In 1898 he was elected by the Democratic Party to the position of coroner and public administrator of the county, and has since filled the position with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents.

            The Doctor was happily married, in 1894, to Miss Grace F. Hale, a native of Stockton and a daughter of Joseph Hale, a prominent pioneer to the state.  She is a valued member of the Episcopal Church.  The Doctor belongs to the Ancient Order of Foresters.  His attention, however, is chiefly given to his professional duties and he has gained high rank among the representatives of the medical fraternity in Calaveras County.  In manner, pleasant and cordial; in business, reliable; and in office, trustworthy, he has won many warm friends in this locality and is certainly deserving of their regard.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 659-660. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.




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