IN 1926
FORTY YEARS AGO a small group of young men and women went forth from the sheltering halls genial atmosphere of Alma Mater to seek their destinies in a cold and exacting world. They went with lofty aspirations, and, in the serene confidence of youth and inexperience, were troubled by no doubts or anxieties as to the achievement of their ultimate goals.
The ties developed by four years of intimate association as undergraduates prove to be enduring, for with unfailing regularity annual reunions have been held, attended by all not prevented by their remoteness. That intangible something called "class spirit," which in undergraduate days was manifested in turbulent ebullitions, chastened and modified has evolved a bond strengthened by each succeeding year.
To commemorate our fortieth anniversary and at the same time preserve the record we should save from oblivion, this book has been prepared. Lest it may sometimes fall under the glances of those not conversant with conditions as they existed during our student days we add here a few words of explanation.
The class of '86 was the smallest in number of all classes of that decade. Including special and partial course students only seventy-two matriculated and many of them melted away within the year. One reason for the limited number was the absence of accredited high schools, thus making it necessary for all matriculants to undergo examinations held at Berkeley. Until 1882 these examinations had not been very serious affairs. They were oral and conducted by various members of the faculty who sat in their offices during examination and received calls from prospective freshman. There are well authenticated instances of applicants who met all requirements and more matriculated in less than an hour. Beginning in 1882, however, the situation was very different. Requirements for admission were stiffened and written examinations were substituted for the oral tệte-a-tệte prevailing until then. But most effective of all in scaring off all but the most courageous was a book of specimen examination questions published early in the spring of 1882. The sample questions were very stiff and searching and threw such a scare into potential for matriculants that their ranks were seriously thinned. The questions actually given were much milder than the samples which thereafter lost their force as a deterrent, and with the regime of accredited high schools inaugurated soon after, the members of students has grown steadily until the problem of the university authorities is not how to attract student, but how to limit their number.
A comparison of the names listed in the following pages with official directory of alumni will reveal a few discrepancies. The official record includes the names of all those whom bachelor degrees were granted in 1886, though some were holdovers never affiliated with our class. Without regard to degrees we are recording here all those who, imbued by a spirit of loyalty to their class and love for their Alma Mater have kept the association alive through these forty years.
G. T. C.
Died March 21, 1925
Died October 19, 1911
Leslie Alexander Jordan
Died July 30, 1909
Died September 19, 1893
Died February 1903
Died November 1914
Born May 16, 1862, at Hilo, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands. Attended Punahoe Missionary School at Honolulu, 1874 to 1880. Came to Oakland, California, in 1880 and prepared for University in Oakland and San Francisco high schools. Attended University of California 1882 to 1886 and graduated with degree of Ph.B.
After leaving college, 1886, sold encyclopedias in San Luis Obispo County and succeeded in placing one in nearly every school district library. Taught school in the same County 1887 to 1888. Then went to current canning, where with many others he squatted on land claimed by Haggin & Carr interests. Lost out after legal battle and continue teaching in Kern County.
Moved to Inyo County, California, in 1891 to promote a new canal and land settlement project. Resume teaching in Inyo County and was elected County Superintendent of Schools in 1894, serving until 1898, when he was appointed by President McKinley to the position of Register of the United States Land Office at Independence, California. Reappointed by President Roosevelt in 1902 and served until 1906, when he resigned to accept nomination as assemblyman. Defeated at the general election that year. Moved to Oakland, and in 1907 was admitted to the California bar; also admitted to practice before the Federal Departments at Washington, D.C.
From 1907 to 1909 lived in Oakland and engaged in searching records, real estate, and practicing law. December, 1909, appointed by United States District Court of California as Receiver for the California Trona Company, a mining and manufacturing corporation. Moved to Searles Lake, San Bernardino County, California, and took charge of the company's property. After close of receivership and president and legal adviser of the company until 1918, when he was appointed manager of the Los Angeles office of American Trona Corporation, which position he is now holding.
Was married in Bakersfield, California, to Mary Hunter, May 23, 1890, and divorced in San Bernardino 1915. One child, Ruth, born October 31, 1891, is dead.
The subject of this sketch is in good health at the present date and takes an active interest in his work and in his public affairs.
819 Standard Oil Building, Los Angeles.
After graduating from the University of California I entered Hastings College of the Law and graduated there in the class of 1889. Was admitted to the bar in the same year and commenced to practice of law. Became a private instructor and afterward was appointed as instructor in the Humboldt Evening High School of San Francisco and taught for 10 years. Was elected to the Assembly of the State of California in 1890.
Married in 1895. My wife's maiden name was Nettie Brodek. Have only one child, Helen Maine Barnett, and graduated from the University of California in the class of 1920. She married February 24, 1925, and now resides in Tacoma, Washington. Her name is now Mrs. Herbert Bachrach.
I was first elected to the office of Justice of the Peace in the City and County and San Francisco in the year 1910 and have been re-elected three times since then. Am still in office and expect to be a candidate for re-election this year, making the fifth term if re-elected.
I belonged to many fraternal organizations and clubs, too many to enumerate.
58 Palm Avenue, San Francisco.
My university course was classical, intended to be preparatory for one of the professions. In so far as I gave the subject serious thought, my inclinations were toward law, or teaching. I became so thoroughly interested in college journalism, however, that after graduation and naturally tried the larger field in San Francisco.
For seven months I served on the editorial staff of the Call. Clearer insight into the less agreeable side of newspaper work, reinforced by the advice of older newspaper men and university professors, finally decided to take up teaching.
Upon the recommendation of the University, I was elected principal of the schools of San Luis Obispo, where I've remained from January, 1887, to June, 1889. On April 2, 1887, I was married to Miss Lulu Colby, of class of 1888, U.C. In June, 1889, we returned to Berkeley and in September, 1890, moved into our home at 2526 College Avenue, which we occupied for thirty years. Here we reared our family, consisting of four daughters and one son, giving them also a university education. The daughters are all married.
After returning to Berkeley, I was principal of Peralta School, Oakland, teacher of History and English in Alameda High School, and teacher of Mathematics in Oakland High School for varying periods of time of to July, 1901, when I became principal of McKinley School, Berkeley. This was a grammar school at the time, but was converted into junior high school in January, 1910, probably the first school of this type in the United States.
In July, 1912, I was transferred to the principalship of the Berkeley High School, the position which I am still holding. The school now has 2,400 students, 107 teachers and administrative officials, eleven buildings, and occupies four city blocks, about 18 acres of land, in the heart of Berkeley.
Throughout my teaching career I have kept in touch with outside life, a policy which I feel helps one to do his special job to better advantage. I have been interested in civic affairs, and am a member of the Chamber of Commerce and at this time am president of Rotary Club. I belonged to the First Congressional Church and am a Past Master of the Durant Lodge of Masons. I have been President of the California Teachers' Association and of the California High School Teachers' Association, and during the past twelve years have been Secretary-Treasurer of the State Council of the California Interscholastic Federation. I am also President of the Alameda County Board of Education, a position which I have held during the last 25 years.
I have had abundant opportunity to fulfill the obligations laid upon us when we graduated, namely, to uphold the highest ideals of good citizenship, and hope that I have not failed. During all these years my wife was my constant companion, tender, faithful, and true. My heart is still so full of grief that I cannot state what she meant to me. I wonder if I ever can. She died December 3, 1925.
Berkeley High School, Berkeley.
Bradley registered in mining at college and has engaged in it consistently ever since. After some preliminary experience in some of the mines of Nevada County, he became, in 1890, the assistant manager of the Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company of Idaho. From 1893 to 1897 he was manager of the company, and since 1897 has been president thereof. He also is president of the Alaska-Juneau Gold Mining Company and is director of various other corporations. That the force and determination characteristic of Bradley in his student days have not weakened with the lapse of time is evident by this remark made by an associate in the directorates of several corporations: "Where Bradley sits is the head of the table." Bradley was married in 1901 to Mary Parks, the daughter of a mining engineer, who has proved to be the ideal helpmate. They have four sons, Worthen (UC,' 26), James, Sewall, and Jack.
G. T. C.
2716 Pacific Avenue,
San Francisco
For three years prior to entering the University instead of going to high school I worked in a printing office. The long hours and confinement palled upon me and I yearned for life in the open. I decided that I wanted to be a farmer, and when an opportunity to attend the University offered by registered for the agricultural course. During three of the four years at college I worked in the Library, an occupation I found to be very congenial, so much so that when we graduated my farming ambitions went into abeyance and I stayed on as assistant librarian. In 1887 I was appointed a deputy in the State Library at Sacramento, where I remained until 1894, when I became librarian of the San Francisco Public Library, a position I occupied for thirteen years. The fire of 1906 destroy the central library and two of our six branches. Headquarters were established in the larger surviving branch and their David Starr Jordan appeared one afternoon in the spring of 1907 and announced that he was looking for a librarian for Stanford University. He stated that he had several names on his list of possibilities and that mine was among them. Thus commenced negotiations which resulted in my enrollment with the faculty of Stanford University in August, 1907. The atmosphere and associations have been most congenial and I had never ceased to regard myself fortunate in being called to the position.
Miss Annie Douglas, one of the gentlest, sanest, and sweetest of her kind, and I were married in 1892. Our son Douglas graduated from Stanford as a mining engineer in the class of 1914. By a tragic event in 1919 I was left to continue life's journey alone, with memories of the past my greatest treasurer, and the occasional presence of two most delightful and lovable grandchildren my chief solace.
1729 Emerson Street, Palo Alto
My life has not shown any particular high spots or any events of special interest. Here is a brief outline.
The first year after graduation was spent at a private school for girls in San Rafael with work in mathematics and Latin, to which latter I then said good-by. The following three years were spent in primary work in Berkeley.
The introduction of county union high schools came soon after, and I was at Centerville for eight school years, taking biological work at Berkeley off and on. This work led me to consider the study of medicine, and I returned to Berkeley for further regular study. Although completing pre-medical work, I decided to return to teaching. For seven years I was in the Concord High School.
During the following year the death of my only sister caused me to remain with her three half-grown daughters for five years. After this domestic life I return to school work at Winters for three years and occasionally have had brief work elsewhere.
I now consider myself exempt from the duties of the schoolroom and free to enter the many and varied calls that come to every active woman.
I am sure to be much interested in the stories that others can tell.
3009 Brook Street, Oakland
37 Seventh Avenue, San Francisco
Immediately after graduation, I entered the San Francisco school department, and for about thirty years thereafter was in charge of Washington Evening High School and its successor, the North Beach Evening High School.
In 1889 I matriculated at Cooper Medical College, from which I graduated in 1891, and after a years internship at the San Francisco hospital, entered upon the practice of medicine. Shortly after, I became connected with the teaching staff at Cooper, continuing with this for about 20 years, in various capacities, including those of instructor in neurology, lecturer in hygiene, assistant in the neurological clinic, and chief of that clinic.
About ten years ago, after an unusually severe attack of typhoid, I was left with a permanently impaired digestion, in consequence of which the devotions of those who regard Lucullus as their patron saint have necessarily become a thing to taboo with me. Furthermore, my nervous stamina had likewise becomes so impaired as to incapacitate me for anything involving nervous strain or obligatory routine duties. As a result I have since that time done very little in medicine, except a little office practice. To make life worth living, I looked around for other interests, free from responsibility, and found them ready prepared. I had always taken an interest in social service and civic betterment projects; and now what had formerly been an avocation became, practically speaking, a vocation.
The North Beach Promotion Association, a local improvement organization, had some time before been founded, mainly by the alumni of the school I had taught, their object being to put into practice the ideas and ideals I had sought to inculcate. Of this I became the Secretary, and have retained that post till the present time. I am also the secretary of the Northern Federation of Civic Organizations, which includes in its constituency all the prominent civil organizations in the North End of the city. In the Central Council of Civic Clubs, a city-wide body, I am a director and chairman of the education committee. I was secretary of the campaign committee that sponsored the amended law and now controlling San Francisco's educational system, and have been consulted frequently on matters of educational policy by the city's Board of Education.
As another means of stimulating and accomplishing civic reform and civic betterment, I have frequently written to the local press, and my contributions have been published in all the local dailies. Occasionally, upon invitation, I have contributed to the editorial columns of some of these papers.
Another diversion has been an interest in literature. For the past six or seven years, I have been the president of the California Literature Society, whose founder and secretary is Ellis Sterling Mighels, "First Historian of Literary California," and whose first president was George Hamlin Fitch, for years the literary critic of the Chronicle. This is an association devoted to the discovery and encouragement of rising California writers. I myself still indulge my faculty for verse, and some of my poems have appeared in local publications.
1329 Jackson Street, San Francisco
The last year and a half which the class spent in college was passed by me in suffering a serious illness which kept me in bed a year and from which recovery was very slow. When I was at last able to walk a few blocks, my father had an accident which change in to a bed of suffering and invalidism for ten years. At once I began to teach private classes in private schools -- Latin, German, and French chiefly.
A year before my father's death I returned to Berkeley to finish my course in order to obtain my A.B. This I obtained six months.
In 1901 I was elected to teach German in the Oakland High School. In 1905-1906 by spent the year in Europe traveling in studying. In 1914 I was appointed Supervisor of German for the city of the Oakland.
During the war German was barred from the schools California. Then I took classes in French and at my request was transferred to Technical High School in Oakland, where I still am a member of the faculty.
This last year, 1925-1926, has been another year of serious illness and suffering, but as my health is improving I expect to return to school this spring, when I shall resume my classes in German, which was restored to the curriculum in 1923.
This bare outline gives none of the pleasure and color that a teacher enjoys who entered the profession because she liked it -- none of the satisfaction which is experienced from warm friendships formed with students which have continued through the years. With many of these correspondence has been maintained through many years, and letters reached me in at intervals in various parts of the world from former pupils.
1842 Twelfth Avenue, Oakland
There have been no high spots in my life, which has seemingly moved along in a quiet and uneventful groove. After graduation and' 86 I spent one year in teaching school -- the first six months in a little country district near LaGrange and the following in the Modesto High School as vice-principal. I continued to look back at this year as one of the pleasantest in my life.
The succeeding year and a half I spent in clerical positions, drifting from San Diego to Marshfield, Oregon, and then returned to Oakland in' 89 to engage in the hardwood lumber business, which still occupies my time and attention and has continued to yield me and my family a meager and precarious likelihood. In 1895 I transferred the scene of my business activities from Oakland to San Francisco, where I am still located. The rather severe seismic disturbance in the spring of 1906 together with a conflagration which succeeded it gave my business and financial affairs a rather sharp jolt, but this was only a common experience in which many of my classmates shared.
In the fall of 1895 I met, wooed, and married Miss Daisy B. Sharp. We are the parents of three daughters and one son. Margaret, the oldest, is a graduate of Stanford. Jane, who is the second, is married to Frederick H. Reimers, a prominent and rising young Oakland architect. Elizabeth, my youngest daughter, and E. A. Howard, Jr., both attend the University of California for about two years each, without seriously impairing their health by study for making any serious drain upon that fountain of learning. My son has left college and decided for a business career, and is now associated with his father, endeavoring to revive and rehabilitate the rather decayed lumber yard.
As time moves along I still find myself an accepted, if neglected, member of the family circle with my authority greatly dimmed and my opinions and arguments listened to with diminished interest and respect. It is, therefore, a great pleasure to look forward to class reunions and to mingle with others as ancient and obsolete as myself, and who in the family circle and home probably have to except and deserve the same indignities which are mine.
When I look back over my "career" I feel like the proverbial rolling stone. It has many of the characteristics of the olla-podrida dear old Putzker was so fond of talking about.
This my college work with sadly interfered with, partly because of a certain lack of definiteness in my own aims, but also through a lack of funds each made it desirable to quit from time to time and try my hand various business jobs.
Though I entered the U.C. in 1882, it was not until 1889 that I took my degree; and my postgraduate work (at Harvard) did not begin until three years later, in 1892. This, in turn, was interrupted by illness which laid me on the shelf for a time and then took me on a long journey around the world; and it was only in 1899 that I got my Master's degree.
My ambitions had, meantime, become definitely crystallized in favor of the academic life, and when, in 1899, I was offered a job at Stanford as assistant in economics, I jumped at the chance.
This was followed, in 1900, by the offer of the an instructorship at the U.C. and my dream of becoming a member of the faculty of our Alma Mater was at last realized.
The "career" seemed fixed at last -- but the stone continued to roll. In the summer of 1901 I went to Europe for a semester at University of Leipzig. In the academic year 1904-05 I was absent on leave again, carrying on some Latin-American investigations in London. These investigations led to my going to South America as "special agent" for United States Department of Commerce and Labor; and it was not until August, 1906, that I returned to Berkeley, as assistant professor of economics.
Then for six years the rolling stone "stayed put," and even built a home in Berkeley in the expectation of spending the rest of its days in the academic shapes.
But 1912-13 brought a sabbatical year which was spent in study and writing in England, Europe, Siberia, and the Orient, and in production of a totally insignificant book which, however, brought me back to Berkeley as associate professor of commerce, and led, in 1914 to my going to Rio de Janeiro as Commercial Attaché to our embassy there.
August, 1916, brought me back to the U.C. again, as professor of commerce; but our entrance into the war in April, 1917, upset my moss-gathering plans the stone may have had, and initiated another seven or eight years of wandering. From that time until June, 1918, I was in Washington with the War Trade Board and the War Industries Board. Then it became necessary to send a small mission to Europe to co-operate with the Inter-Allied Munitions Council; and for the remainder of the war I was in London and Paris as American representative on the Nonferrous Metals Committee of that Council, on the Inter-allied Tin Executive.
Shortly after the Armistice Mr. Hoover asked me to go to Prague to organize the American Relief Administration’s mission there, a job which kept me in Czecho-Slovakia until toward the close of 1919.
Next came a period of seven or eight months as Commercial Attaché with our embassy in London, followed by a year's contract with the Czecho-Slovakia government as director of the so-called technical commission in Prague, a contract which expired just at the moment the American Relief Administration had decided to go to the relief of the starving peasants of Russia. Whereupon I went to Russia as special investigator for the Relief Administration.
This work, together with investigations also in Germany and South-eastern Europe, filled my time for the next two and a half years, and it was not until 1924 that I found myself back among my old friends in California with some prospect of remaining stationery for a time.
Meanwhile, might have since been so prolonged, it had seemed only fear that I should resign definitely from the U.C. Thus I find myself at present "out of a job" except that I am one of the two directors of an institute (under the auspices of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation), with headquarters at Stanford which is trying to carry through a scientific, non-political, non-emotional investigation of what has really happened in Russia.
Enough of this long tale! I cannot close, however, without adding that I am "powerful" glad to be back among my old friends.
16 Presidio Terrace, San Francisco
In 1884 McKee entered the service of Tallant & Company, later the Tallant Banking Company, and in 1893 was elected cashier of the company. Five years later this company was merged with the Crocker National Bank and for a few months he was identified with that institution. In 1899 he participated in the organization of the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco and was made cashier and secretary thereof, later becoming vice-president of the Trust Company and president of the Mercantile National Bank. When, in 1920, the Trust Company merged with the Savings Union Bank, McKee was made chairman of the Board of Directors of the consolidated institution. He is also identified with various other commercial organizations either as an executive or director.
Those you recall McKee's sporting proclivities in his student days when he was a most ardent baseballist will not be surprised to learn that he is a member of the San Francisco Fly-Casting Club and several hunting and fishing clubs, as well as of the Bohemian, Pacific-Union, and others. An enthusiastic lover of music, for the past seven years he has been president of the Musical Association of San Francisco, which maintains the Symphony Orchestra.
He was married to Anita Isabel Boole in November, 1890. They have two sons, Paul and Donald, and three grandchildren.
3456 Washington
Street, San Francisco
G. T. C.
Immediately after graduation was with United States Coast Geodetic Survey along the coast Oregon, engaged in triangulation from Coos Bay northward, and in sounding and mapping Umpqua Forever and its approaches. In 1887 entered the employ of Blake, Moffitt & Towne. From 1891 to 1894 acted as manager of their Los Angeles Branch. In 1894 entered the First National Bank of San Francisco as assistant cashier, and served continuously in that capacity, and as cashier and vice-president until January, 1922. Now Chairman of the Executive Committee, Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco, and Vice-President of Blake, Moffitt & Towne.
Member of Executive Committee of Associated Students, University of California, 1901-1909; president of the Alumni Association, 1909-1912; Regent from 1912 to date. Resident of Alameda County continuously except for stay in Los Angeles, 1891-1894.
Married in London, England, October 1, 1907, to Pauline Fore, of Oakland. Two children, Pauline, born May 29, 1917, and Genevieve, born July 31, 1920.
86 Sea View Avenue, Piedmont
I was born July 7, 1863, in Yolo County in the state of California. After leaving the University, I was elected County Clerk, Auditor, and Recorder of Mono County, California, November, 1890. I continue to hold this office for a period of eight years and during six of them was also a member and president of the County Board of Education. In December, 1897, I was committed to the practice of law, and in November, 1898, was elected District Attorney of Mono County, holding the office for a term of four years. In November, 1902, I was elected Judge of the Superior Court in and for Mono County, and was re-elect to that position in November, 1908, serving continuously for a period of twelve years. During the time I was Judge in Mono County I was called to preside in the Superior Court of about twenty different counties in this state.
In January, 1913, by an order of the Supreme Order, I was designated to sit in the District Board of Appeal of the First District, during the absence of Judge Kerrigan, and served in that capacity for a period of about three months. During the year 1913-14 I was Grand Master of the F. and A. M. of California. I moved my family to Alameda County, where I took up residence in Berkeley. At that time I again resumed the general practice of law and continued in that work until April, 1924, when I was appointed by Governor Richardson as one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Alameda County, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Dudley Kinsell, resigned. At the general election, in 1924, I was elected for the full-term as Judge of the Superior Court of Alameda County.
On November 11, 1891, I was married to Clara Emma Donnel, in Bridgeport, Mono County. There are six children the issue of this marriage: Arnot Douglas, Melvin Donnel, Clara Eileen ( Mrs. Shields), Clifford John, Theodore, and Elwood. Arnot Murphey is in Los Angeles, in the automobile business. Melvin left the University in 1917 and volunteered for service with the United States government in the Great War, was assigned to the Signal Corps, and served with the American forces in France for nearly two years. He is now in Phoenix, Arizona, manager of the General Electric Company, and is married and getting along very nicely. Eileen graduated from the University of California in the class of 1922 and the following year was married to A. J. Shields, the graduated from the University of California in 1923. Her husband is employed at this time in the Mercantile Trust Company at Berkeley, and there is one child, Shirley Jean Shields, aged two years, the only grandchild in the family. Clifford is a senior in the University, Theodore is a sophomore, and Elwood enters the University this year, with the class of 1930.
1911 Parker Street, Berkeley
2934 Broderick Street, San Francisco
The desire to learn of the activities and whereabouts of my former classmates is the chief, and perhaps I should say only, incentive to my response to Mr. Clarke's letter, for there are no "high spots" in my career.
Two years after our graduation I was able to begin the study of medicine -- the realization of a life-long ambition. Incidentally I have been studying ever since. In the winter of 1891 I began to practice in San Francisco, continuing until the summer of 1910, when I came East for a year’s rest, the strenuous days of hill-climbing, unwonted physical exercise, and no vacation after the earthquake having put too much of a strain on a previously perfect good heart.
Since 1910 I have been living in one of the suburbs of Philadelphia, practicing my profession. While much of my work is in Philadelphia, I have had enough country practice, outside of the suburban, to have a growing admiration for the accomplishments and unselfishness of old time "country doctor."
I hope that the fiftieth anniversary of' 86 will find all who celebrated our fortieth able to answer "adsum."
Haverford, Pennsylvania
Turner left the campus two weeks before commencement in 1886 to take a position with United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. The following year he became ore-buyer at the Waterman mine near Barstow, thus starting a career in mining which he consistently followed. From 1888 to 1892 he was assistant superintendent of the Stonewall mine at Cuyamaca, San Diego County. From 1893 to 1925 he was successfully superintendent of the Standard Consolidated Gold Mining Company of Bodie; manager of the Dolores Mines Company, Chihuahua; superintendent of the Tonopah Mining Company; manager of the Brunswick Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Grass Valley.
Miss Eugenia Wood, sister of Hazel Wood, and Turner were married in October, 1892. They have two children, Howard W. Turner, captain, United States Field Artillery, and Marjorie, now Mrs. W. L. Deverel, of Stockton.
2517 Benevenue Avenue, Berkeley
G. T. C.
237 West Hawthorne, San Diego (Traveling in Europe, 1926)
I went to Boston on leaving college and began work with the Standard Oil Company. About 1888 I went into business on my own account and was engaged in manufacturing, if you can call publishing that, until about 1892 with a serious attack of illness, brought on by overwork, knocked me out. At that time the doctor forbade me ever to engage in anything that required attention to detail, and I took financial work, which meant bond selling and promotion. About 1898 I began to travel back and forth between New York and London on work of this nature, and in 1900 I went to London for a week's stay, which week stretched into eight years before I came back to this country. In 1908 I left London, intending to go to Mexico in the interests of a large London House, but I found business here in California that looked good, so I remained here. For some years I was engaged in the development of the potash fields of Searles Lake. When my work there was done I intended to do no more work, but I became interested in the question of developing a silk industry in California, and since then my attention has been devoted to that. Incidentally, I have built a couple of railroads -- electric and steam -- and am hopeful that I have developed two new industries for California, potash and silk.
I have one daughter, married and living in New York, and three grandchildren.
Oroville, California
◄==============CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN ============►
-- HAZEL WOOD ROBERT WOOD WATERMAN Robert Waldo Abby Lou Hazel Marie Carolyn HELEN WATERMAN KINKADE John Gardner Waldo Waterman Richard Wood WALDO DEAN WATERMAN Jean Gardner GUY WILKINSON –
◄================= *ANNUAL REUNIONS ===============►
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley hosts at their home in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt hosts at their home in Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard hosts at their home in Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. Cushing hosts at their home in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Biedenbach hosts at their home in Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt hosts at their home in Piedmont.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellman hosts at their Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett hosts at their home in San Francisco.
Mr. Wilkinson hosts at New Frank's, San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Easton hosts at their home in Berkeley.
Mr. Austin host at the Clift Hotel, San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley hosts at their home in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt hosts at their home in Piedmont.
Mr. and Mrs. McKee hosts at their country home at Ross.
Mr. Clark host at the Clift Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard hosts at their home in Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. Cushing hosts at Bohemian Club.
Mr. Austin host at the Clift Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Biedenbach hosts at the Town and Gown Club, Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt hosts at their home in Piedmont.
*Prior to 1907 some men of the class met at least once a year at dinner at some down-town hotel or restaurant. The record of these gatherings was lost in the San Francisco fire in 1906. In 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley initiated the practice which has since prevailed of an annual dinner attended by the men and women of the class as well as by those related to it by marriage.
◄================= MATRICULATES
Matriculates and a Few Others Sometime Enrolled
*Stafford W. Austin, Hilo, Hawaii Eugene A. Avery, Sacramento *Abe T. Barnett, San Francisco Charles A. Bice, Healdsburg *Charles L. Biedenbach, San Francisco George F. Bigelow, Oakland Alice Boston, Santa Cruz *George B. Boyd, San Francisco Fred W. Bradley, Nevada City Belle M. Breck, Berkeley Robert E. Bush, Berkeley Louis L. Chamberlain, Oakland *George T. Clark, Berkeley Edna Congdon, Berkeley *Gulielma R. Crocker, Centerville Thomas E. Curran, San Francisco Carrie Cutler, Martinez Schuyler C. DeLamater, Santa Cruz J. Warren Dutton, San Francisco *Kimball G. Easton, Berkeley *Alexander G. Eells, Santa Barbara *Frank Fischer, San Francisco Azel H. Fish, Oakland Harry L. Ford, San Francisco Manuel A. Gallardo, Santa Tecla, San Salvador Herbert H. Gregory, Pacheco Ina G. Griffin, Oakland Hubbard K. Hall, Oakland *Florence M. Hanna, Oakland Richard B. Hellman, San Francisco Gavin Dhu High, Oakland *Edward A. Howard, Oakland Samuel Hubbard, Jr., Brooklyn *Lincoln Hutchinson, San Francisco Cora L. Hyde, Berkeley *Leslie A. Jordan, Healdsburg Franklin K. Lane, Oakland Alfred L. Levitt, Bridgeport *Hattie L. Levy,San Francisco James W. Littlejohn, Berkeley Robert W. Mantz, San Francisco |
*James K. Moffitt, Oakland *John D. Murphey, Bridgeport Daisy Nourse, Berkeley Charles M. Ostrom, Wheatland Julian Ospina, Bogota, Columbia, South America Pablo E. Ospina, Bogota, Columbia, South America *Frances W. Oury, Tucson, Arizona Mary Palache, Berkeley Whitney Palache, Berkeley Phoebe Parker, San Francisco Kate G. Pike, San Francisco John N. Pomeroy, Jr., San Francisco Hattie Potwin, Berkeley William C. Riley, San Francisco Lincoln E. Savage, San Francisco George A. Shoaf, Berkeley Minnie L. Skilling, Oakland Newton V. V. Smyth, Santa Rosa Fort Snider, Sacramento *Frances R. Sprague, Hayward Henry Stafford, Los Angeles Michael D. Stein, East Oakland David Stoddart, Alameda Lizzie Stonesifer, Hill’s Ferry Hattie Strong, Oakland Henry B. Taylor, Oakland Mary A. Taylor, San Francisco E. A. Theller, San Francisco Marian S. Thom, San Francisco *Robert C. Turner, Oakland Lawrence S. Vassault, Berkeley *Waldo S. Waterman, San Bernardino W. Bela Wellman, Fruitvale Albert B. Whipple, San Mateo Guy Wilkinson, Berkeley Alvinus B. Wood, Sumner, Washington Emma Hazel Wood, Chico Warren P. Wood, Sumner, Washington Horace M. Woolsey, San Francisco *Philip S. Woolsey, Berkeley |
◄================= FACULTY
William T. Reid A. M., President of the University (Succeeded in 1885 by Edward S. Holden). Edward S. Holden, A. M., President of the University, and Director of the Lick Observatory. George Woodbury Bunnell, A. M., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. Samuel B. Christy, Ph.B., Professor of Mining and Metallurgy. Albert S. Cook, Ph.D., Professor of English Language and Literature. Frederick G. Hesse, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Eugene W. Hilgard, Ph.D., Professor of Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, General and Economic Botany. George H. Howison, A. M., L.L. D., Meals Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and Civil Polity. J. A. Hutton, First Lieutenant, 8th Infantry, USA, Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Martin Kellogg, A. M., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. John LeConte, M.D., L.L. D., Professor of Physics. Joseph LeConte, M.D., L.L. D., Professor of Geology and Natural History. Bernard Moses, Ph.D., Professor of History and Political Economy. Albin Putzker Professor of the Command Language and Literature. Willard B. Rising, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. Edward R. Sill, A. M., Professor of the English Language and Literature (Resigned 1882). Frank Soule, Jr. (United States Military Academy), Professor of Civil Engineering and Astronomy. Irving Stringham, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics. |
John B. Clarke, Ph.B., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. George C. Edwards, Ph.B., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. C.B. Bradley, A.B., Instructor in English. Ross E. Browne, Instructor in Mechanical and Other Branches of Instrumental Drawing. William W. Deamer, A.B., Recorder, and Instructor in Latin. Edward Lee Greene, Instructor in Botany. A. Wendell Jackson, Jr., Ph.B., Instructor in Mineralogy, Petrography, and Economic Geology. Henry B. Jones, Instructor in French. William Carey Jones, A. M., Instructor in United States History and Constitutional Law. Hermanm Kower, C. E., Instructor in Instrumental Drawing. Edmond C. O'Neill, Ph.B., Instructor in Chemistry. William G. Raymond, C.E., Instructor in Civil Engineering. Josiah Royce, Jr., Ph.D., Instructor in English (Re-signed 1882). F. Slate, Jr., Supt. of Physical Laboratory, and Instructor in Physics and Mechanics. E. J. Wickson, A. M., Lecturer on Practical Agriculture. William D. Armes, Ph.B., Assistant and English. James P. H. Dunn, B.S., Assistant and Chemistry. |
Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.
© 2008 Nancy Pratt Melton.