Butte County








      WILEY W. WAHL.--An extensive grain farmer in the vicinity of Durham, Butte County, Wiley W. Wahl was born on the Wahl ranch on September 27, 1889. He is the son of Albert Wahl, who has been a resident of California since January, 1881, and who has become one of the leading ranchers in Butte County. Wiley W. was educated in the public schools in his district and worked on the home ranch until he was eighteen years old, when he began ranching on his own account. He operates some three hundred twenty acres of the Wahl Ranch, six miles south of Durham, besides leasing eleven hundred acres lying a few miles to the west. His principal crops are wheat and barley; his average yield for 1917 was twenty to thirty sacks of barley to the acre. In the conduct of his ranch he uses modern machinery and implements to facilitate the sowing and harvesting of his crops, and each succeeding year sees him more firmly established as an agriculturist.

      In 1909, at the age of twenty, Mr. Wahl was married to Miss Alpharetta Pegden, a native daughter of Lassen County. They are the proud parents of two interesting children: Wiley W., Jr., and Marilyn Beth. The family enjoys the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends, and their home, which is on the old Wahl Ranch, is the scene of many pleasant gatherings. Mr. Wahl is a member of Durham Lodge, No. 311, I. O. O. O., and a member of Chico Lodge, No. 423, B. P. O. E elks of Chico. Mrs. Wahl is a member of Alta Rebekah Lodge of Durham.




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1102-1103, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Kim Buck.



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