Butte County









      MARTIN STROEHL.--One of the oldest residents of Chico Vecino, Butte County, Martin Stroehl has watched that thriving community grow from a small beginning to its present prosperous condition and has helped materially in the building up of his section of the county. Born in Munich, Bavaria, September 22, 1865, he is a son of Martin and Mary (Margrof) Stroehl, both natives of that country, where the father was a carpenter and builder.  Both parents died in Bavaria. To them were born three children, two of whom now reside in Chico.

      Martin Stroehl, the first child born to his parents, was reared in Munich and educated in the public schools of that city, finishing his education with a course at the Gymnasium. He then learned the molder's trade, and in 1883 came to the United States and located in St. Louis, where he worked two years as molder in the Missouri Car Wheel Foundry. In 1885, he came to California and obtained employment in San Francisco as molder at the Union Iron Works. He had saved some money, with the desire to engage in business on his own account, and, in 1888, came to Butte County and engaged in the horticultural business, two and one-half blocks from Bidwell, in Chico Vecino. He built on what is now the corner of Seventh and Spruce Streets, and here his son, William, was born--the first boy born in Chico Vecino. Mr. Stroehl set out orchards (prunes and almonds), and while the trees were growing worked for the Sierra Lumber Company until they reached maturity, when he gave his full attention to his business affairs. In 1909, he laid out the block into lots and sold them off. He built five houses on Spruce Street, and sold them, and also erected two large two-story residences on Esplanade, which he rents. He built eight houses in all, and set out English walnuts around the property, twenty-seven years ago, some of the largest in this section. He still owns four of these houses, having disposed of the remainder. Mr. Stroehl built his own residence, on Spruce Street. He has always had an abiding faith in the possibilities of this section of the state and his success has borne out the good judgment shown when he selected it as a place to make his home and engage in business. He has been a willing worker for the upbuilding of his community and has profited thereby.

      The marriage of Mr. Stroehl, which occurred in San Francisco, united him with Miss Mary Harms, who was born near Bremen, Germany, and two sons have blessed their union: William, who is a master mechanic at Mills Orchard, Hamilton, Glenn County; and Adolph, who is a government mail-carrier at San Diego. In politics, Mr. Stroehl is a Republican.



Transcribed by Sande Beach.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 706-709, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Sande Beach.


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