Butte County









      EDWARD F. SPANGLER.—A native son of the county, Edward F. Spangler has resided within its confines since his birth, with the exception of but short periods of time, and by dint of energy and perseverance has worked his way to a good position as foreman of the boiler shop for the Diamond Match Company at Barber.  Born at Lovelock, June 18, 1878, he is a son of William C. Spangler, a native of Ohio, who is also represented in this work.  Edward F. was reared in Lovelock and there attended the public schools.  He followed mining in the vicinity of Lovelock, prospecting and placer-mining on Big Butte.  In 1900 he began work as a helper in the boiler shops of the Southern Pacific Railway at Sacramento, remaining there two years.  He then went back to mining, at Red Point, and at Forest Hill, Placer County, continuing this occupation for twenty-one months, at the end of which time he came back to Chico, in 1903, when the Diamond Match Company started their shop.  He first worked for the company as helper in the boiler shop, under his father, who was then foreman of the shop.  After mastering the trade he continued to work in the shop, and when his father resigned, was appointed foreman in 1911, and has held the position since that date.

      Mr. Spangler’s marriage, in Willows, Glenn County, united him with Miss Edith Millsaps, born in Watson Gulch, Shasta County, a daughter of James Millsaps, who crossed the plains to California in pioneer days.  Grandfather George W. Millsaps was the pioneer of the family in California and settled on Stoney Creek.  James Millsaps was a stockman for some years, in Wyoming, and has followed that occupation many years at Millsaps, Glenn County, where he now resides.  Mrs. Spangler was educated in the public schools and finished with a course at the Chico State Norman.  To Mr. and Mrs. Spangler have been born two children:  Dorothy, and Edward W.  Fraternally, Mr. Spangler is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F., and of the Encampment, of which he is Past Chief Patriarch.  He is also a member of the Canton, and of the Pride of Butte Lodge, No. 59, K. of P.




Transcribed by Sharon Walford Yost.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1131, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Sharon Walford Yost.



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