Butte County










      S. N. D. SMULLIN AND COMPANY--The growth and development of Butte county is increasing in a more rapid ratio with each succeeding year, as the delight of living in the Golden State is becoming better known and its wonderful resources better understood and appreciated.  Among those who have been potent factors in the development of that portion of the county in the vicinity of Honcut, S. N. D.  Smullin stands prominently forth.  Mr. Smullin is a native of Pennsylvania, and came to California as a young man from Rockford, Ill., where he obtained his education.  He was for many years a leading educator in Butte County, following the occupation of school-teaching in various places for a number of years; namely:  at Oregon House, Bangor, Forbestown, Wyandotte, and Honcut, where he taught two terms.  In 1881 he came to Honcut, and in 1883 entered mercantile life, laying the foundation for the present business.  In that year he erected the frame store building which was destroyed by fire in 1893.  This building was replaced by the present commodious two-story brick structure, forty-two by eighty feet in dimensions, the brick for which was burned at Honcut.  This building is the largest and finest building in Honcut, and is a monument to S. N. D. Smullin’s business sagacity.  A spacious hall, known as Honcut Hall, occupies the upper floor, and is used for public meetings, dancing, etc.  S. N. D.   Smullin was married at Bangor to Miss Frances Standart, who was born and brought up in Bangor, and who died October 17, 1913, leaving three children:  Frances Eva; Mrs. Hortense Nielsen; and H. L.  Mr. Smullin married a second time, his wife being Miss Thirsa Grant, a native daughter, born near Marysville.  Her father, Horatio Grant, was born in Bangor, Me., and was a pioneer of California, coming to San Francisco via Panama in the early fifties.  For a time he followed mining, seeking the elusive gold, but later on settled down to the more certain pursuit of Farming in Yuba County.  He died in 1913.  The mother of Mrs. Smullin was Elizabeth Harper who was born in Australia of English parents.  Grandfather Alex Harper and his wife removed to Australia and in 1848 migrated to San Francisco.  After mining for a time he engaged in the mercantile and hotel business, having a hotel and store at De Guerre Point until flooded out by the hydraulic mining.  Mrs. Horatio Grant now resides in Marysville.  Mrs. Smullin was for many years successfully engaged in educational work until her marriage.

      The firm of Smullin and Company is composed of S. N. D. Smullin and his son H. L. Smullin.  The large, clean, well-selected stock of general merchandise speaks well for their enterprise and growing business.  The son inherits his father’s business tact and popularity.  H. L. Smullin was born at New York Flat, near Forbestown, August 14, 1878, and attended the public school at Honcut, and Heald’s Business College at San Francisco.  He married Miss Violet Heintz; and they have two children, Louise Frances and Samuel Alvin.

      S. N. D. Smullin owns a one-hundred-sixty-acre ranch and seven acres of oranges and olives, and has a comfortable residence in Honcut.  Fraternally, he was made a Mason in Forbestown Lodge, No. 50, F. and A. M.  H. L. Smullin is a member and clerk of Honcut Camp, No. 9835, M. W. A.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1014-1017, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Joyce Rugeroni.



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