Butte County











      JOHN ELLIS RODLEY, M.D.--A good physician, serving both society and man, is Dr. John Ellis Rodley, a native of the famous and picturesque Galashiels, in Selkirkshire, Scotland, where he was born on February 1, 1852. His father was Edward Rodley, a native of Morley, near Leeds, England, the family, through several generations, having been woolen manufacturers. Edward Rodley moved to Galashiels, long so renowned for its superior fabrics, bought a woolen factory, ran it for years, and manufactured Scotch tweeds--some of the best put out in the little town. Eventually, like so many other Britishers who have contributed some of the best stuff in our national make-up, Mr. Rodley came out to the United States, took up farming at Lebanon, Mo., and there he died. Mrs. Rodley, a woman with all the attractiveness of a good English housewife, was born in England, where she was Sarah Ellis before her marriage, and died in Scotland. She was the mother of five children, two of whom grew up.

      John Ellis, the only son now living, was brought up in Scotland until he was sixteen, when he came to Missouri with his father and sister. As young as he was, he had begun the study of medicine in Scotland under Dr. Falconer, and this favorite study he continued, as occasion permitted, in America, finally matriculating at the Missouri Medical College, in St. Louis, from which he graduated in 1881 with the degree of M. D. He began the actual practice of medicine at Lebanon, Mo., where he remained until 1884, and then he removed to St. Louis, where he continued his practice for four years. He was on the staff of the Missouri Pacific Hospital, the railroad hospital, and was local surgeon for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

      In 1888, Dr. Rodley left Missouri for California and located in Chico, since which time he has practiced medicine and surgery here. He belongs to the State Medical Society, leaves nothing undone to keep abreast of the times in his profession, and has a live interest in progress everywhere. In matters of formal religious worship, Dr. Rodley is an Episcopalian.

      A Republican in national politics, the Doctor has been willing to serve as a town trustee, for two terms, and was president of the board for four out of the eight years. During his incumbency as president, both the sprinkling and the fire alarm systems were installed.

      Dr. Rodley is also interested in farming and horticulture. He owns four farms, devoted to raising grain, fruit and nuts, and has set out about sixty acres to almonds and fifty acres to prunes. And he has other orchard interests, giving to each investment the same conscientious care as characterizes his medical practice and his civic administration.

      Dr. Rodley has one son, Herbert Ellis Rodley, a practicing physician who has succeeded to his father’s practice and who is winning a name and a place for himself in the medical circles of Butte County. He also has a daughter, Jacqueline, who is the wife of Robert Jordan, son of the secretary of state of California, and is residing in Sacramento.



Transcribed by Vicky Walker, 2/19/08.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 730-731, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Vicky Walker.



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