Butte County








      A hustling and successful native son whose new blood and up-to-date methods have contributed to his making a mark in the business world, is Clarence C. Richardson, the son of Jared V. Richardson, who very properly is represented elsewhere among the pioneers in this book.  Clarence was born at Nord, in this county, in 1879, and was brought up on the home farm while he attended the local public schools.  His ambition urged him higher, however, and he pursued his advanced studies, at the Chico State Normal.  He next entered the dental department of the University of California, and graduated with the degree of D. D.  S.

      Having completed four prosperous years in Chico, in the practice of dentistry, Dr. Richardson went to New York and took courses in embalming in the Embalming Institute of the metropolis.  He practiced embalming in New York, and on his return bought an interest in Fetters and Williams Furniture and Undertaking Establishment, where he continued for seven years.  During this time he was deputy county coroner under John Wallace.

      In the fall of 1912, Dr. Richardson sold his interest in Fetters and Williams and in January, 1913, he bought J. W. Jewell’s furniture business at 719 to 735 Main Street, where he has been engaged ever since.  The name of the firm he organized is that of the Richardson Furniture Company, of which he is proprietor and manager.  The concern has a commodious store, and carries the latest and most up-to-date goods and is doing its full share of the local trade.

      At Alameda, Dr. Richardson was married to Miss Edith Stevens, a native of Dayton, Butte County, and the daughter of W. C. Stevens, the well-known pioneer, prominent farmer and stockman.  Miss Stevens was a graduate of the Chico Normal, and is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.  Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are parents of one daughter, Edith Marian.

      Dr. Richardson is a member of the Business Men’s Association, and of Chico Engine Company, No. 1, in which he is a past foreman; also belongs to Chico Lodge, No. 423, B. P. O. Elks, of which he is a Past Exalted Ruler.  He was made a Mason in Chico Lodge, No. 111, F. & A. M., and is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F., and also belongs to the Rebekahs.  He is a Republican in national politics.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1013, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Joyce Rugeroni.



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