Butte County








      FRED M. PFEIFFER.—The successful grain dealer and commission merchant of Chico, F. M. Pfeiffer, is a native son of California, having been born on May 23, 1876, near Nord, Butte County.  His mother is Mrs. Kathrina Letcher, a sketch of whose life appears on another page of this history. 

      Fred M. Pfeiffer received his early education in the public schools of Butte County; and after school days were over, he followed farming until 1900.  At that time he took up carpenter work, and for a period of ten years he was engaged in contracting and building in Chico and vicinity with a partner, H. H. Hill.  Mr. Pfeiffer has to his credit the building of many of the fine residences to be seen in Chico.  Six years ago, however, he was obliged to give up this work on account of sickness.  He was successfully operated upon at the St. Helena Sanitarium, and his trouble was relieved; and when he was again able to attend to business, he opened a small grocery store at Esplanade and Eleventh Street, Chico Vecino.  After conducting business here for twenty-two months he found the store life too confining.  So he sold the store and purchased a lot on the northeast corner of Eleventh and Esplanade, where he built a large iron warehouse and feed mill; and there he engaged in the storage, commission and feed business, in which enterprise he was very successful.  Two years later he rented the warehouse, and thereafter engaged in the wholesale grain business; but on January 1, 1918, he again resumed charge of the warehouse, and is now doing a very large and successful business in the handling of wheat, barley and rice. 

      Mr. Pfeiffer is highly respected in the community, where he has made many friends.  In politics he is a Republican.



Transcribed by Sharon Walford Yost.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1186, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Sharon Walford Yost.



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