Butte County






OROVILLE REGISTER.—For upwards of forty years the Oroville Register has been an important factor in the development and growth of this community. Its founder was William Sharkey and the newspaper plant was first located at Biggs, and the first issue of the paper was on November 25, 1878, under the name of the Butte County Record. In 1880 Mr. Sharkey moved the plant to Oroville, considering this field one of the greater opportunities. He sold his interest in the paper to Seth Sprague Boynton in 1883, and from that time until the death of Mr. Boynton, he was in continuous charge, and here, from 1887 until 1906, the paper earned for itself a place of importance among the journals of Northern California. During those nineteen years it was a most powerful factor in the development of Butte and Plumas Counties. Mr. Boynton changed the name of the paper to the Oroville Register. On May 31, 1895, it became a daily paper, with a weekly edition, and still later the weekly edition was converted into a semi-weekly.

The paper was edited for two months, following the death of Mr. Boynton, in 1906, by Daniel Worthing, and in the same year was taken charge of by the present editor, George C. Mansfield. Since then the Oroville Register has continued its high standard in keeping pace with the prosperity of the community. Its policy has always been constructive for those things that are good, and destructive only to those that are bad. The paper has always been Republican and it has wielded a strong influence for the success of that party in Northern California.

The plant is now managed by a corporation known as the Oroville Register Publishing Company, of which Mrs. S. S. Boynton is president; A. E. Boynton is vice-president; George C. Mansfield is editor; Mrs. Leila Boynton Stapleton is secretary and treasurer; and the remaining directorate is made up of George P. Morse; T. J. Powers is business manager.



Transcribed 1-22-08 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 638-641, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008  Marilyn R. Pankey.


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