Butte County









      JAMES FRANKLIN MOREHEAD.--A native son who, as a successful financier and the enterprising president of the People’s Savings and Commercial Bank, and also as director in the First National Bank of Chico, has done much to sustain the enviable reputation of California for sound banking methods, is James Franklin Morehead, a son of James J. Morehead, who was born in West Virginia.  At the early age of sixteen the father crossed the plains as one of an ox-team party, and in 1852 came to Butte County and Chico.  At that time the country was covered with timber, and he settled along the river and engaged in the cattle business.  After a while he was superintendent of the Parrott Ranch, but in 1870 he bought the home place, the Rancho de Farwell, comprising seven hundred sixty-three acres adjoining Chico.  He engaged in grain and stock-raising, cleared the land of timber, and improved the farm, bought more land adjoining, and finally had eleven hundred fifty-four acres in one block west of Chico.  He also owned lands in Tehama and Colusa Counties, which he rented out to other people, and he owned some town property at the corner of Fourth Street and Broadway, on which, after his death, the Morehead two-and-three-story building was completed.  On February 5, 1885, he died in his fifty-seventh year, widely respected and mourned by many a pioneer who could look back to Chico as a settlement consisting largely of its adobe post office.  He was a member of the Odd Fellows and was an active and prominent Republican.

      Mrs. James J. Morehead was Miss Ardenia A. Boydstun, a native of Little Rock, Ark. who crossed the plains with her parents to California in the fifties, and settled with them near Dayton, in Butte County.  She is the mother of three children, two of whom are still living:  Mrs. O’Conner, of Chico, and James Franklin, the subject of our sketch.

      Born on the Parrott Grant, February 13, 1870, James Franklin Morehead was brought up on the home farm and educated at the public schools of his district, as well as the Hopkins Academy, Oakland, from which he graduated in1889.  He then attended Heald’s Business College in San Francisco and graduated in 1891, after which he returned to the ranch to help his mother.  His next venture was in the canning business with the Chico Canning Company, where he was assistant manager in the office, but in three years he sold out to the Fruit Canners’ Association and went back to farming.

      He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Chico, being an original stockholder and one of the first board of directors, and with the bank he continued as a director.  In 1914, he was one of the organizers of the People’s Savings and Commercial Bank, and from the first was president of that enterprising institution.  He was also one of the organizers of the Butte Investment Company, being both a director and its treasurer.  He built the Broadway Theater and the Park Garage.

      Mr. Morehead was married, at Oakland, the Miss Margaret Cabaniss, who was born at Jackson, Miss., and is a graduate of the high school there and a Graduate Nurse of Merritt Hospital, Oakland.  One son, James Cabaniss, has blessed their union, and he resides with his family at their attractive home on First Avenue, in Chico Vecino.

      A prominent Republican and an influential leader in national political interests here, Mr. Morehead is also prominent in Chico Lodge, No. 423, B. P. O. Elks, and in Chico Parlor, No. 21, N. S. G. W., in which he is Past President.



Transcribed by Priscilla Delventhal.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 591-592, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Priscilla Delventhal.



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