Butte County








      NORMAN K. MACY.—Born in Dayton, Yamhill County, Ore., Norman K. Macy is the son of A. P. Macy, who was born in Mooresville, Ind.  Grandfather William Macy was a native of Nantucket, Mass., and came to Oregon in the early eighties, and remained there until his death.  His son, A. P., was a farmer in Oregon until 1905, when he brought his family to Chico, Butte County, purchased a ranch and set out an orchard, which property he later sold.  He married Ida Moore, who was born in Iowa and came to Oregon with her parents.  Norman K. Macy is the eldest of three children born to his parents, the date of his birth being August 27, 1890.  He was raised in Oregon until 1905, when he came with his parents to Chico and here attended the public schools, finishing his education at the Chico high school, from which he graduated in 1911.

      After his graduation Mr. Macy entered the employ of the Park Garage as machinist and automobile repairman, continuing with them eighteen months.  He then drove a car for H. Cornforth for two and one-half years, after which he resigned and purchased the Park Garage, in 1915.  He has continued the business since that date, and does a general garage business, the establishment covering forty-six by one hundred twenty-four feet floor space, with machine and repair shops in the rear.  Besides the repair department, he carries a full line of automobile accessories.  An industrious and enterprising young man, he is meeting the deserved success and is well liked and popular in the community.  He is a member of the American Automobile Association, and of the Chico Business Men’s Association, and is always willing to do his share toward advancing the community interest. 

      The marriage of Mr. Macy, which occurred in Chico, united him with Miss Estella Lewis, daughter of E. J. Lewis, whose biography is given on another pager of this history.  Mrs. Macy is a graduate of Chico high school and, with her husband, is a member of the First Methodist Church.  In political belief, Mr. Macy is a Prohibitionist.



Transcribed by Sharon Walford Yost.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1255, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Sharon Walford Yost.



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