Butte County









      MISS MATTIE R. LUND.--A shining example of efficiency in public life, and an interesting representative of woman in the official world, is Miss Mattie R. Lund, the popular tax and license collector of Butte County. She was born in Morgan Valley, Lake County, Cal. Her father is O. B. Lund, a native of Norway, who crossed the Atlantic six times in voyages to the United States and back, and finally reached California in early days. In Plumas County he went in for mining, after which he farmed and raised stock. For some time he was located in Morgan Valley, but about twenty years ago he came to Oroville, and since then has been engaged in the furniture business. Miss Lund’s mother was Miss Bertha Hammer before her marriage, and happily she also is still living.

      Six children were born to this worthy couple, five of whom are living. The subject of our sketch was the oldest, and from school days showed signs of that marked ability which has since easily made her a leader; Irene is a bookkeeper for the Shasta Lumber Company, Marysville; Gertrude is the wife of Capt. Fred I. Gilbert, United States National Army, and resides in Oroville; Bert was a student at the University of California, but is now a Second Lieutenant in One Hundred Eighth United States Engineers; and Helen is attending the University of California. Each has made his or her way successfully.

      Miss Mattie Lund having attended the grammar and high school, afterwards entered the Oakland Polytechnic Business College, where she was graduated in August, 1907, and then returned to Oroville as bookkeeper for the City of Paris. In that position she remained six years, until September, 1913, when she resigned to accept a clerkship for the Natomas Consolidated Company of California.

      In 1914, Miss Lund became the candidate for the office of county tax collector, and led three opponents in the nomination, while she lacked seven hundred votes of a majority. At the general election, however, the esteem in which she was held by the community was fully demonstrated in her being elected by a large majority. The following January, therefore, she took the oath of office, and since then she has fulfilled her duties to the evident satisfaction of everyone. The new Butte County charter consolidated the offices of treasurer and tax collector under the official title of Treasurer and Ex-Officio Tax and License Collector. Miss Lund was nominated and elected to the above office at the primary election on August 27, 1918, winning by a large majority.

      Miss Lund has also passed the civil service examination for service in the postoffice. She is a member of the State Association of Tax Collectors, and attended the meeting at San Diego, in 1915, and the convention in Fresno, in 1916, at which she was instrumental in inducing the association to meet in 1917 at Oroville, at which meeting she was the hostess. In fraternal circles, Miss Lund is known as a member of the W. R. C., the Women of Woodcraft, and Ophir Parlor, Native Daughters of the Golden West.


Transcribed by Marie Hassard 02 August 2008.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1000-1001, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Marie Hassard.





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