Butte County








      JACOB FRANK KEIFER.—One of the most successful ranchers in the Gridley district, in Butte County, and a scientific farmer who delights in making experiments with the soil and in planting, is Jacob Frank Keifer, who was born in Beaver County, Pa., on March 18, 1871. He enjoyed the usual advantages, by no means meager, of the country schools of Pennsylvania, and when through with his school books, he worked at farming in his native state.

      During the first ten years following his arrival in California, in March, 1900, Mr. Keifer worked successively in the oil-fields of Coalinga, Los Angeles and McKittrick. Again returning to Coalinga, he was employed at drilling, and gained much valuable experience. He came to know the problems involved in that heavy and exacting work, and by hard labor and steady application succeeded. In 1910, he bought twenty acres of land two and a half miles southeast of Gridley, and in two years he bought twenty acres more. This choice property he immediately began to improve, so that he has now brought the land to a high state of cultivation. His plow-land is especially well developed, and such is his success in the raising of alfalfa, alone, that he gets no less than five cuttings a year and averages from seven to eight tons per acre.          

      Mr. Keifer also has a dairy of sixteen high-grade cows, and he is a stockholder in the Gridley Creamery. He maintains a family orchard which more than supplies his needs. Among his experiments is one with red beets, which he is trying out as cow feed with considerable success. He has a fine herd of blooded Poland-China hogs. Mr. Keifer takes pride in keeping his place in fine shape, and is especially pleased to show his sanitary dairy barn, with its cement floors and other appointments in keeping with the last word in scientific dairying. Having risen steadily step by step as a self-made man, and so come to realize the value of intelligent attention to details, and of unremitting industry, Mr. Keifer sees to it that, come what may, he attends to business first, last and all the time.

      On August 31, 1893, at Beaver, Pa., Mr. Keifer married Miss Jennie Brunton, also a native of Beaver County, Pa., and by her he has had three daughters and one son: Oscar, who is ranching for himself, and who has a dairy of eighteen cows and is happily married; Mae and Janie, who graduated from Gridley High School and also Heald’s Business College, Sacramento; and Ethel, who is the only one born in California, is in the grammar school.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 29 October 2009.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1279-1280, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Marie Hassard.





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