Butte County









      WILLIAM C. INMAN.--Born in South Bend, Ind., February 4, 1859, William C. Inman was the son of William and Adelia (Whitman ) Inman, born near Springfield, Ohio, and in Indiana respectively. The parents were engaged in farming, removing to Kansas, where the farther died; the mother now resides at Stockton, Cal. They had eight children, all of whom are now living, William C. being the eldest.

       William C. Inman was educated in the Public schools of Indiana, after which he assisted his father at farming, until October 3, 1883, when he was married, being united with Miss Naomi Rockhill, who was born near South Bend, St. Joseph County Ind. She is the daughter of the late Senator Thomas Rockhill of Nevada, who was born in New Jersey and who served in the Mexican War; he was a forty-niner in California. And was a Pioneer miner at Cherokee, Butte County; then following mining in Nevada, making his home at Ely, White Pine County, Nev., from which district he served as State Senator. He died in San Francisco. Mrs. Inman’s mother was Jane Whitman before her marriage; she was born in Ohio, and died in Indiana. Mrs. Inman was the only child, being reared and educated in her native state.

      In 1884, Mr. and Mrs. Inman removed to Labette County, Kansas., where they became owners of a three hundred twenty acre farm and followed stock raising until 1905, when they sold out and removed to Nevada, remaining there only one year, when they located to Butte County, California, and soon afterwards purchased the old Wicks Ranch of seven hundred sixty acres, seven miles northwest of Oroville, which he devotes to grain and stockrasing.

      Mr. and Mrs. Inman have five children, namely: Goldie May the wife, C.L. Crum, a stockman here; Edna, Mrs. Earl Hefner, of Oroville; William a farmer in east Oroville; Albert, in the United States Naval Reserve Force; and Ethelda, attending the Oroville high school.  




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1100, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Kim Buck.



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