Butte County








      GEORGE HOSKIN.--Born in Lewiston, N. Y., December 21 1852, George Hoskin is the son of James and Elizabeth (Irvin) Hoskin, the father a native of Yorkshire, England and the mother of Ontario, Canada.  James Hoskin came to America and settled in Lewiston, N. Y., then went to St. Catherine, Ont., and thence to Delaware, Ont.  With four relatives, he went to Australia during the gold excitement in that country, and engaged in mining.  The others of the party returned home again but he was interested in a gold crusher there and remained.  He finally wrote his family that he was ready to start home in August, and that was the last tidings ever received from him.  Five children were born to himself and wife, all of whom reached maturity and are now living.  The mother passed away in Ontario.

      George Hoskin was the second oldest in his parents’ family, and when six years of age he went with them to Canada, and there received his education, in the public schools.  On completing his schooling, he learned the blacksmith trade, in New London.  When eighteen years of age he came to the United States, locating at Romeo, Mich., where he worked at his trade.  From there he went to Beloit, Wis., and entered the employ of John Thompson for seven years, working in the wagon department.  When the Thompson plant burned down he removed to Osceola County, Iowa, and bought a prairie farm, broke the land and improved it, building a residence and other farm buildings.  This property consisted of one hundred sixty acres, to which he later added by purchasing three hundred acres adjoining; he operated the land seven years.

      After his seven years spent in farming, Mr. Hoskin returned to his original trade, removing to Sheldon, Iowa, where he engaged in the blacksmith business for himself for seventeen years.  In 1903 he located in Chico, Butte County.  He purchased fifteen acres on Oakway and set out an orchard of different varieties.  This property he sold, six years later, and then located in Chico Vecino, and there built and started the first blacksmith shop in that community, and ran it successfully until three years ago, since which time he has rented the business and gives most of his time to horticulture.  He has a ten-acre prune orchard on Chico Avenue, in the Lone Pine subdivision, and also owns nine and 83/100 acres in prunes and peaches, two and one-half miles south on the River Road.        Mr. Hoskin was first married, in Beloit, Wis., to Miss Helen Haskin, born in Dane County, that state.  By this marriage three children were born, two of whom are now living:  Ernest, a physician in Chicago; and Mabel, now Mrs. Sleeper, of Sheldon, Iowa.  The mother passed away in Iowa.  Mr. Hoskin’s second marriage, which occurred in Sheldon, Iowa, united him with Mrs. Nancy E. (Marshall) Leake, a native of Blackford County, Ind., and daughter of Robert and Mary (Gaymon) Marshall.  Mr. Marshall was a farmer in Richland County, Wis.; he served in the Civil War, in a Wisconsin regiment.  Mrs. Hoskin was raised in Wisconsin, moved to Sheldon, Iowa, and there married Samuel Leake, a native of Indiana and a builder by trade.  His death occurred in Iowa.  Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin, three children have born: one who died in infancy; Albert Lee, who died at fifteen years of age; Floyd, who was employed with the Southern Pacific Railway and who is now a member of the Engineer Corps of the United States Expeditionary forces.

      Mr. Hoskin was made a Mason in Sanborn, Iowa, and is now a member of Chico Lodge, No. 111.  Both he and his wife are members of Josephine Chapter, No. 104, O. E. S.  Mrs. Hoskin is also a member of the Royal Neighbors, and in religious affiliations she is a member of the Christian Church.  Mr. Hoskin is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and of the California Peach Growers’ Association.  Politically he is a Republican.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1275-1276, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Joyce Rugeroni.



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