Butte County








      ROY HILTON.—The junior member of the firm of C. P. Dix Lumber Company of Cohasset, Roy Hilton, was born at Alturas, Modoc County, Cal., November 25, 1892. His father, Charles E. Hilton, came to California with his father when but a small boy and it was in this state that he grew to manhood, among the pioneer conditions encountered by the early stock-men in Modoc County. On reaching man’s estate Charles E. was united in marriage with Miss Nancy J. Gordon, a native of Michigan, who is the mother of two living children: George and Roy. After successfully carrying on the stock business for many years, Charles E. Hilton sold his interests in Modoc County and lived for a time in Chico Vecino, but is now engaged in farming and dairying at Knights Landing, in Yolo County.

      Roy Hilton received his education in the grammar schools of Modoc County, which was supplemented by a course at Heald’s Business College in Chico. He then engaged as a repairer with the Park Garage until in October, 1916, when he became interested with C. P. Dix in the saw-milling business and since then he has devoted his entire time to his work. He is chief operator of the motor trucks employed by the company in the transporting of their logs to the mill and the lumber to Chico. He has installed an up-to-date machine shop at the plant and does all of the repairing needed at the mill.

      Mr. Hilton was united in marriage in Chico, July 6, 1913, with Miss Bethel Dolores Dix, who was born at Kalama, Wash., a daughter of C. P. Dix, of whom an extended sketch is given on another page of this work. Of this union one child has been born, Virginia Fern. Mrs. Hilton is a member of the Christian Church.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 04 November 2009.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1294-1295, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Marie Hassard.





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