Butte County









      H. B. HERYFORD.--One of the popular and enterprising business men of Chico is H. B. Heryford, manager of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company of that place. He was born in Lincoln, Placer County, on August 5, 1878. His father, William Heryford, was a native of Missouri and had crossed the plains in 1859 to Placer, Cal., where he mined and later farmed until he retired. His grandfather, Daniel Heryford, was also a pioneer of California. William Heryford married Matilda Holloway, in Missouri. She died in Colusa, in 1910. Nine children were born to them. H.B Heryford, the youngest, was brought up on a farm and attened the public schools of Colusa, graduating from the high school in 1899.

      In 1902, Mr. Heryford entered the employ of the Gas and Electric Company, at Colusa, beginning at the bottom and working up. In 1906 he became manager of the Colusa branch and in 1909 he was transferred to Chico as manager of the branch of that place. He has had charge of the improvements, increasing the patronage and service to the patrons of Chico and vicinity.

      Mr. Haryford was married, in Sacramento, to Miss Elizabeth Meyers, who was born in Chicago, Ill. They have one child, Berwyn. Mr. Heryford is a member of Chico Lodge of B. P. O. Elks. He is a member of the Pacific Coast Gas Association and the Association of Electric Contractors and dealers. Mr. Heryford is a splendid business man and is popular with the citizens of Chico for his courtesy and prompt discharge of the duties of his office, in the service of its patrons.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1103-1104, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Kim Buck.



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