Butte County







      WILLIAM CURTIS HERRICK.A man who is experienced and well-posted in lumbering and sawmilling, William Curtis Herrick was born at Fort Cook, Lassen County, November 3, 1871. His father, William Curtis, Sr., crossed the plains in an ox-team train in the pioneer days of the gold excitement. He followed teaming in the Sierras, and afterwards engaged in farming, having a ranch at Fort Cook. Mr. Herrick’s mother, Hannah Holcroft, was born in England and came to San Francisco in the early days. Her second marriage united her to Phillip Coen. By her union with Mr. Herrick she had five children, as follows: Ellis, residing in Washington; Robert, in Susanville; William Curtis, of this review; Vina A., Mrs. Odell, residing at Barton, Clackamas County, Ore.; and Harry H., at Westwood. By her second marriage she had one child, George L. Coen, who is assisting William C. Herrick in lumber manufacturing.

      When William C. Herrick was four years of age, the family moved to Cohasset. There he was reared, receiving his education in the Grafton district school. From a lad he worked in the sawmill and in the lumber woods, and thus learned lumbering and sawmilling in all of their details. For the last twenty years he has been with the Griswold Lumber Company on North Point, in the Cohasset district; and in 1911 he became superintendent of the mill and woods. During these twenty years he has given his best efforts to the company.

      Aside from superintending the mill, Mr. Herrick also had charge of the ranch, and set out fifty acres of orchard to apples and pears. In the spring of 1918, however, he took a contract to manufacture and place a million feet of lumber a year in the Cohasset yards for the Griswold Lumber Company. Having the use of the company’s steam sawmill, with a capacity of twenty-five thousand feet of lumber per day, he is busily engaged in the endeavor to fill his contract. Mr. Herrick is well posted and thoroughly experienced in his line, and has always made a success of the manufacturing end of the lumber business. Liberal and enterprising, he is well liked by all who know him. Politically, he espouses the principles of the Republican party.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 09 May 2009.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1135-1136, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Marie Hassard.





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