Butte County








      A. E. HEAD.--One of the successful farmers of Butte County, who, though comparatively a new-comer to the district, is meeting with deserved results as a careful and enterprising agriculturist, A. E. Head has made a place for himself in the community.  Although now engaged in the peaceful pursuit of agriculture, Mr. Head has had a life of varied and unusual experiences.  Born on the Island of Shippee, off the southeast coast of England, September 8, 1863, he attended a private college at Oxford, England, and when sixteen years of age began life for himself.  He went to Manitoba, Canada, where, on reaching his twentieth year, he enlisted in the Canadian Mounted Police and for three years served in various parts of the Canadian northwest, a service fraught with every danger and hardship known to the pioneer days of that region, often spending entire days in the saddle with the thermometer sixty degrees below zero.  It being the period of the Indian uprising, he fought all through the savage Reil’s Rebellion, in the Northwest Territory, receiving his honorable discharge at the end of his term of service.

      Having a great desire to see “the States” and change to their more equable climate, Mr. Head came down to the Puget Sound country, thence to San Francisco, finally going to Tehama County, where he bought land and soon secured a situation with the Sierra Lumber Company, as cruiser, a position which he held for twenty-eight years.  Mr. Head has become a naturalized American citizen and is in harmony with the California spirit of progress and ready at all times to do his share in furthering the advancement of his section of the state.  He is now taking his place in the front ranks with the other enterprising farmers of Butte County, having purchased, in 1914, the Kenneth McKenzie Ranch of two hundred forty acres, in the vicinity of Dayton.  In 1915, he took up his temporary residence here.  By birth and breeding, and by subsequent military training and business experience, he is a man of strict integrity, and both he and his accomplished wife have won a place for themselves in the life of the community.  His marriage, which took place at Red Bluff, Cal., united him with Miss Evelyn B. Pierce, daughter of James and Clara (Bell) Pierce, of Red Bluff, and a graduate of the University of California.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1278-1279, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Joyce Rugeroni.



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