Butte County









      FRANCIS E. HANNAH.--Among the most successful and enterprising grocers of Chico, is F. E. Hannah, the genial proprietor of the popular grocery store situated on the corner of Fifth and Broadway. He is one of Chico's leading business men and is conducting a large and growing business, with the able assistance of his son and son-in-law. His success furnishes an excellent illustration of the rewards to be gained through a life of business transactions conducted along lines of unquestioned honesty and integrity.

      F. E. Hannah was born in Tazewell County, Ill., on November 17, 1864. His father was James P. Hannah, and his mother's maiden name was Margaret Phillips. When a lad of eight years his parents died and he and a younger brother, Adolphus Hannah, were reared by an aunt, Mrs. J. M. Lynn, of Illinois, who later moved to California and from there returned to Kansas. When F. E. Hannah was seventeen years of age, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn again came to California and brought him and his brother. They settled first at Bakersfield, but later moved to Alameda, and in March, 1886, located at Chico, where F. E. Hannah was employed, for three years, on the Bidwell Ranch. For eleven years and a half he was in the employ of the San Francisco Produce Company in Chico, and in 1902 started in the grocery business for himself. By just and honorable methods, and courteous treatment of his patrons, he has succeeded in building up a splendid business.

      On March 14, 1886, F. E. Hannah was united in marriage, in Melrose, to Miss Alice M. Goree, who was born in Colusa County, but was reared in Chico. This union was blessed with two children: Willard Elmer, who married Lillie Dobbert, of Chico, and has three children; Alice Leola, who is the wife of Winfield Riley, of Chico, and has one child. Fraternally F. E. Hannah is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F., of which he is a past Grand; and he also belongs to the Great Oak Camp, No. 136, W. O. W.


Transcribed by Sande Beach.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 936-939, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Sande Beach.


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