Butte County








      FRED HACKETT.--A man of singular force of will, tenacity of purpose, and strength of character, Fred Hackett has put his native qualities to good use, as will be seen by the events that make up his life.  He calls to mind his early boyhood home in Illinois, where he was born near Savannah, Carroll County, April 23 1851, and where he received his education in the public and high schools.  When eighteen years of age he secured a teacher’s certificate and taught school in Illinois until 1875, when he decided he would come to California and try his fortune in the new country just developing.

      Soon after his arrival in California he came to Butte County and was quickly given a certificate and taught school in the following places:  Nord, Wymans, Ravine, West Liberty, Gridley and Manzanita districts; in fact, he taught for twenty years, off and on, and secured a life diploma as a teacher.  In 1897 he purchased twenty acres of land west of Gridley and set about developing his property by setting out a fig and olive orchard.  He then bought another tract of twenty acres east of Gridley, and this he also developed into a fine property of grafted English walnut and apple trees; besides which he raises hay and beans with a fair degree of profit.  Since 1877 he has resided in Gridley, where he built his residence on Wilson Street.

      Mr. Hackett is better known for his connection with railway mail service, which he entered in 1888, and since then he has been continuously in the employ of the government.  He first ran between San Francisco and Portland, Ore., but for the past twenty-six years he has been on the Red Bluff local, from Sacramento to that city.  He is justly proud of his long connection with the government service and is a great booster for California, and Butte County in particular, where he is among its best known and most highly respected citizens.

      In Carroll County, Ill., Mr. Hackett was united in marriage with Miss Mary Jane Mills, who was born in that state, of pioneer parents. They have two children to brighten the already happy home circle, Frank C., and Mrs. Ada Sligar, who, with their parents enjoy the esteem of a wide circle of friends and neighbors.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1078, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Joyce Rugeroni.



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