Butte County








      JOHN NICHOLAS GENGLER.--Among the men who are making a success of farming in the Central House district is John Nicholas Gengler, a native of Kansas, born at Cawker City, Mitchell County, February 2, 1882.  His father, Michael Gengler, was born in Germany.  When the father reached the age of eighteen years, on account of military oppression he left his native land for the United States, coming first to Iowa.  After a short period there he removed to Kansas, where he became a successful farmer.  He purchased land on the Solomon River, adjoining Cawker City on the west.  This he improved and brought to a high state of cultivation.  In 1906 he sold and removed to California, locating in Marysville, where his sons had preceded him.  He is now president of the Marysville Ice and Fuel Company.  The mother of John N. was Helena Arnoldy, a native of Minnesota.  She died in Kansas, in 1882, when our subject was only two months old.  The result of this union was two children, John N. being the only one living.

     John Nicholas Gengler was reared on the home farm at Cawker City, receiving a good education in the public schools.  From a lad he assisted his father on the farm.  In 1904 he determined to see the Pacific Coast, and came to California.  Having three uncles of the name of Arnoldy living in Marysville, it was natural that he should come here.

     Mr. Gengler was employed at ranching until 1906, when he was married to Miss Kate Gries, the ceremony taking place in Marysville.  She was born at Central House, Butte County, the daughter of Herman Gries, a pioneer of California and a large farmer at Central House.  He and his estimable wife died in 1908.  Mrs. Gengler was reared here and received her education in the public school at Central House.

     After their marriage they purchased eighty acres in Central House district and also leased the Gries place of three hundred twenty acres, continuing to farm until 1908, when he rented his place and located in Marysville, where he became associated with his uncle, Matt Arnoldy (now mayor of Marysville), purchasing an interest with him in the Marysville Ice and Fuel Company, it having been started by Mr. Arnoldy in 1907.  Mr. Gengler gave his best efforts to the partnership, helping to build up the business and the plant.  They handled natural ice and also did a large business handling wood.

      Having a desire to again take up farming, Mr. Gengler sold his interest in the business to his father in 1913 and returned to his ranch of one hundred fifty-seven acres at Central House.  He has made valuable improvements on this ranch, having erected a new bungalow, sunk a well, and installed an electric pumping plant.  He leases land, and so operates three hundred twenty acres, devoted to grain-raising and growing alfalfa.

      Mr. and Mrs. Gengler have three children:  Herman, Leslie and Margaret.  Mr. Gengler is a member of the Knights of Columbus, The Fraternal Brotherhood, and Foresters of America.  Interested in good schools, he is serving as a trustee of Central House district.




Transcribed by Roseann Kerby.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1140-1141, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2010  Roseann Kerby.



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