Butte County








      AUGUST GATTIKER.—A native of Switzerland, August Gattiker was born at Richterswyld, Canton Zurich, March 7, 1873, the son of Casper and Emelia (Pfister) Gattiker, farmers in Zurich. The father died in 1875. The mother reared the family of four boys, and she is still hale and hearty, making her home with our subject.

      August was the youngest of the family; he received a good education in the public schools of his native place, assisting his mother on the home farm until thirteen years of age, when he was apprenticed at the harness-maker’s trade for three years. About the time he reached his seventeenth year he migrated to America, in 1891 coming to San Antonio, Texas. For a time he followed farming, then worked at his trade in Dallas, and afterwards as coachman. While in Texas he took out his first citizen’s papers. Removing to Grangeville, Idaho, he bought a farm which he operated for two and one half years, then sold it and removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he became foreman on a ranch, a position he filled for a period of four years, and then purchased a ranch of one hundred sixty acres eleven miles from Salt Lake City, and engaged in stock-raising. While there he secured his full citizenship papers. Disposing of his ranch, he removed to Sinaloa, Mexico, purchasing one hundred acres and paying one thousand dollars on the purchase price. However, he soon found it was not what he wanted, neither did he like the country, so he left the place, preferring to lose his first payment rather than to continue there. He came to Lindsay, Cal., in the fall of 1908. Soon afterward, however, he removed to Klamath Falls, Ore., where he remained until October, 1909, when he located in Butte County, and in November of the same year he purchased his present place of twenty acres two miles southwest of Gridley. He improved the land and brought it to a high state of cultivation. In 1914 he sold the place and removed to Nevada, and located a homestead of one hundred sixty acres in Ruby Valley. After making the necessary improvements he committed it and paid out on it, and then returned to Gridley, Butte County, as he was better satisfied with its soil, climate, and irrigation facilities than with any place he had ever seen. He soon purchased his old twenty-acre ranch and moved onto it, and has since purchased forty acres in the same vicinity and has continued the improvements, devoting both places to raising fruits, alfalfa and beans, and dairying. The marriage of Mr. Gattiker occurred in Utah, where he was united with Miss Martha Battensperger, a native of Zurich. Three children have been born of the union, as follows: Theo August, Emely Martha, and Werner. With his family he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints; and politically is a Social Democrat.

      Mr. Gattiker has travelled quite extensively over the Pacific Coast region, both by team and rail, and from his observations and experience, he thinks Butte County has the greatest all-around advantages.




Transcribed by Marie Hassard 04 November 2009.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1298-1299, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Marie Hassard.





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