Butte County








      CHARLES FACCIANO.--A public-spirited citizen of Chico is Charles Facciano, who was born in Torino, Piedmont, Italy, September 27, 1883, the second oldest of a family of seven children born to Antonio and Giovanna (Formia ) Facciano, who are still living, the father being engaged as a wood and coal dealer.

      Charles was educated in the public schools of Torino and at thirteen was apprenticed at the blacksmith trade, and during this time completed a literary course at the night school. A brother Angelo, had migrated to California in 1907 and sent letters depicting the good opportunities that awaited young men willing to work; and he determined to seek his livelihood in the golden West. On May 4, 1705, he arrived in Chico and soon found employment with the Sierra Lumber Company, but three months later changed to the Diamond Match Company, piling lumber in their yards. After fifteen months, having saved some money, he purchased an interest in a vegetable garden of fourteen acres on Butte Creek, engaging in raising vegetables and retailing them in Chico and Sterling City, the business proving a financial success.

      Mr. Facciano had loaned a friend six hundred dollars on a business on Main Street, whose health became so impaired that his business ran behind, and Mr. Facciano was forced to take over the business, but in an honorable way, paying the man the difference of thirteen hundred dollars, not wanting him to lose his equity. Since then he has continued in business and has also purchased the barber shop at 815 Main Street, which he also runs, with the aid of a manager.

      Mr. Facciano was united in marriage, in Chico, with Miss Irene Negar, who was born in Tehama, Cal. Her father, John Negar, a native of Germany, was a farmer in Tehama County until he died. Mr. Facciano is a member of the Eagles and Red Men, and is interested and helpful in public affairs. He is a member of the Chico Business Men’s Association and the Red Cross, and is a member of Engine Company No. 2. He is a Republican.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1142, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Kim Buck.



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