Butte County










      SAMUEL LUTHER ENTLER.--Among those citizens of California closely allied to her farming and fruit interests is Samuel L. Entler, familiarly called "Lute" Entler, an old-timer in the region where he lives and a successful farmer and horticulturist. Mr. Entler was born in Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, Va., January 25, 1854. The father, Jacob Entler, was born there and was a hotel man and butcher. He died in 1856.

      Samuel Entler was the youngest child and was reared in the town of Middleway, in the upper part of the Shenandoah Valley. The boy's education was limited on account of the war and he began to work on a farm at an early age. Mr. Entler later moved onto a farm in Berkeley County, Virginia, where he lived from 1862 until 1875. Ambitious and desiring to better himself, Mr. Entler come to California, arriving in Chico, April 22, 1875, and was employed on his brother's (J. F. Entler) ranch for twelve years, leaving only once, in 1884, when he made a trip to Virginia. He was dissatisfied, however, and after only a six months' stay, he returned to California, remaining with his brother until 1888. Mr. Entler then leased land and raised grain on the O. L. Clark place for seven years, and on the Isaac R. Bennett place on Mud Creek for two years, then moving to the place in Chapmantown, leasing land and farming again. In 1901 he purchased nineteen and one half acres in the Bidwell tract, two years later moving onto it and buying two adjoining plots of thirty-two and twenty-one acres each. He sold the thirty-two acres and now has forty acres, sixteen of which are devoted to a peach, prune, and almond orchard, the remaining being in grain and alfalfa. Mr. Entler also owns a tract of eighteen acres in the Pleasant Valley school district, three miles from the other properties.

      Mr. Entler was married in Oroville to Miss Mary Alice Edwards, a native of Butte County. Mrs. Entler died November 21, 1905, at the age of thirty-nine. She was highly esteemed in her community and was an active member in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Five children were born to them: Walter Lawrence, a Sergeant in the One Hundred Fifty-ninth Regiment United States Army; Edith May, Mrs. Scott of Chico; Lucile, Mrs Button of Chico; Mary Alice, and Lourene Frances, both at home.

      Mr. Entler has a host of friends in his community, and is an active promoter of any measure that is suggested for the growth of the county. He is a Democrat and belongs to the Chico Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F. Mr. Entler is a member of the California Peach Growers Association and the California Prune and Apricot Association.



Transcribed by Sande Beach.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 521-522, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2007 Sande Beach.


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