Butte County









     HENRY ALAN EAMES.—Descended from an old New England family, Henry Alan Eames, chief engineer of the Chico Ice and Cold Storage Company, is widely and favorably known.  He has resided in Chico since coming with his parents and brother and sister from Gilroy, Cal., where he was born, February 5, 1875.  His father, William, and mother, Sarah Ann (Wilson) Eames, were natives of the state of New Hampshire.  William Eames, for many years in business in Gilroy, became a well known butcher in Chico, going from thence to Oakland, where he died.  The mother is also dead.  His brother, A. G., is in the soda-water works in Chico, and his sister, Zylpha, is the widow of Mr. Fenton, and resides in Seattle.

      The earliest recollection of Henry Alan Eames is in connection with Chico, where he grew up, attending the public schools, finishing the course in the training school of the Chico Normal, and afterwards entering Chico Business College.  His entire business life has been connected with the ice and cold storage and soda business.  He and his brother, A. G., were in partnership at Marysville under the firm name of Marysville Soda Works.  Before the ice-manufacturing machines came into general use, they bought their ice from Truckee.  Later, the brothers bought out the Chico Ice and Cold Storage plant, which they afterward sold to the Union Ice Company, Henry A. remaining the chief managing engineer for the company.  The nucleus of this cold storage plant was built in September, 1907, and since that time the size, capacity and output have quadrupled.

     Mr. Eames has a very practical knowledge of his line of work and is the inventor and originator of a novel cold-storage arrangement for farmers and other small customers, whereby a sort of “safety deposit” system is used; each patron can butcher his own meat, have it frozen and keep it in his own private cold storage compartment, under his own lock and key, and go there and get what he needs from day to day.  This system is attracting nation-wide attention and Mr. Eames has received inquiries from all parts of the United States.  The idea is of such practical worth that it is bound to meet with success and popular favor.

     Mr. Eames established domestic ties in 1900, by his marriage, at Ft. Jones, Siskiyou County, with Miss Emma Kuns, born in Fort Jones.  Three children were born of this union, namely: Henry A., Felix G., and Emma E.

     Henry Alan Eames is a very public-spirited man, highly regarded in Chico and Butte County.  He owns his residence at the corner of Park and Bidwell Avenue, Chapmantown.  He is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F., of which he is a Past Noble Grand; he is also a trustee of the Odd Fellows’ Building Association, and a member of Chico Parlor, N. S. G. W.  His estimable wife is an Episcopalian in her religious views.




Transcribed 4-15-08 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 878-879, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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