Butte County









     CHARLES E. DALY.---Numbered among the leading and most successful business men of Chico, Butte County, is the name of Charles E. Daly, a member of the firm of C. E. Daly and Company, proprietors of Chico’s popular clothing establishment and men’s furnishing store.  His excellent business judgment, untiring energy, honorable dealings with the public and sterling character have quickly brought him merited success in his chosen line of endeavor.  Charles E. Daly was born on November 17, 1866, at Woodland, Yolo County, Cal.  His father, J. T. Daly, a native of St. Louis, Mo., served for two years as the District Attorney of Yolo County.  J. T. Daly, although born in Missouri, was reared in Kentucky.  He studied medicine and engaged in practice, but the winters were so severe there that he gave it up and took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar.  In 1850 he crossed the plains with the slow-going ox teams and arrived at Woodland, Yolo County, where he settled, practiced law, and as above stated, served as District Attorney.  Some years later he migrated to Oregon, where he remained about a year and then returned to California and once more took up the practice of law in Woodland.  In 1873 he came to Chico, where he practiced law until his death.  In Missouri, Mr. Daly was united in marriage with Miss Margaret E. Driskell, born in that state.  Ten children were born of this union: seven boys and three girls; two of the children were born in Missouri.  J. T. Daly passed away at Chico, in 1900, being sixty-seven years of age; the mother passed three score years and ten before her demise.

     Charles E. Daly completed his high school course at Chico, and about that time he entered the employ of the White House Department Store, in Chico, being then sixteen years of age.  Later he went to Riverside, Cal, where he was employed in a department store for one year.  Afterwards he was at Oroville for several years.  Then he came back to Chico, and, in 1902, opened a clothing and men’s furnishing store which was the nucleus of his present large and successful business, to which he still gives his best and closest attention.  During the many years he has been connected with business in Chico, Charles E. Daly has become favorably known and being endowed by nature with a pleasing personality, he as become very popular with his patrons and friends.

     In 1902, Charles E. Daly was married to Miss Eva Rapp, born in Cherokee, the daughter of the late Andrew Rapp, a pioneer blacksmith of Cherokee, Butte County.  Fraternally Mr. Daly is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 423, B. P. O. Elks.  He is always interested in movements that have for their aim the advancement of Chico, and he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.


Transcribed by Louise E. Shoemaker, March 31st, 2008.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 839, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Louise E. Shoemaker.


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