Butte County








      EDSON N. CUDDEBACK.—Butte County is particularly fortunate in that it numbers among its citizens men of ability and sterling worth and its progress and advancement are largely due to their untiring efforts.  Edson N. Cuddeback is a most able teacher as well as a successful horticulturist.  He is a native of Iowa, and was born July 29, 1868.  His father, Dewitt Clinton, was a veteran of the Civil War.  (See his sketch on another page of this work.)

      Edson N. Cuddeback came to California with his parents in 1870.  He was brought up in Yuba County where he attended the public schools, later attending school at Red Bluff.  In January, 1886, before he was eighteen years old, he obtained in Yuba County, a teacher’s certificate.  He worked one year on a ranch, and during the year 1887 he taught one term in the Greenville district, Yuba County, but owing to serious illness was obliged to give up his school work.  After six years, having recovered his health, he again took it up, teaching first at Clarks, then two terms at Hansonville and two terms in Barry district, Sutter County.  Meantime (about 1897), he bought ten acres in the Webster district northwest of Chico, set to peaches, since then one half of it was set to almonds, employing others to care for it.  In 1905 he moved onto the place and bought ten acres almost adjoining and set it to prunes.  He built a fine residence, barns, etc., on Shasta Avenue where he now resides.  He is a member of the California Prune and Apricot Association and the California Peach Grower’s Association.  In 1908 he again took up teaching in the Webster district, now making his tenth year in that district.  He has had a life certificate since 1903.

      In Marysville, December 10, 1899, Mr. Cuddeback was united in marriage to Miss Effie Evers, who was born in Frenchtown, Yuba County, where she was educated.  She was the daughter of D. H. Evers, a native of Germany, who came to California in 1849 and followed mining until his death.  He began placer mining on Purdy Creek, continuing with his three partners on the same creek until they worked it out.  He was accidentally killed in a runaway, a wagon running over him.  Mrs. Effie (Evers) Cuddeback’s mother, Lillian (Turner) Evers, was born in California.  After her husband’s death she married Mr. Evans and now lives on Cussick Avenue.

      Mr. Cuddeback was made a Mason in Enterprise Lodge, No. 70, F. & A. M., in Yuba City.  He is now a member of Chico Lodge, No. 111, F. & A. M.  Both he and his wife are members of the Christian Church, of which he is a deacon and she is a deaconess.




Transcribed by Sharon Walford Yost.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1327-1328, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2010  Sharon Walford Yost.



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