Butte County








     ADOLPH NORBERT CASPARE.--Among those of foreign birth who have contributed to the development of this county, Adolph Norbert Caspare was born in Kaiserslautern, Rhein Pfalz, Germany, August 8, 1879.  His father, Carl Nicholas, was a college graduate, becoming state forester.  The mother of our subject was Marie Koelwel.  Both parents died in their native country.  Of their two children, Adolph is the youngest and the only one living in the United States.  After completing the public schools he entered the gymnasium, from which he graduated, after which he was apprenticed as electrical engineer with Siemens and Schuckert, electrical manufacturers. During his three years’ apprenticeship to this firm he studied diligently so that at the close of his term he was sent by them into different countries to install electrical machinery, traveling for them about six years through Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.  In 1903 the company sent him to Mexico City, to install the electrical machinery in the power plant for the Mexican Land and Power Company, which took a period of two years.  His work was much appreciated and the power company made him assistant superintendent of the  plant.  After five years he resigned and came to San Francisco, arriving in June, 1910.

     From San Francisco, Mr. Caspare made his way to Los Angeles where he entered the employ of the Pacific Light and Power Company, as an electrical mechanic at the Redondo power house extension, but after a year he moved to Bakersfield and worked for the Kern River Oil Fields Limited, which was changing from steam to electric power.  However, three months later he quit them and came to Oroville and began work for the Oroville Electric Corporation, now the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, as an electrical mechanic, a position he filled ably and well.  In August, 1913, he was transferred to the Lime Saddle power-house as foreman, and has continued in that capacity ever since, and in June, 1918, was placed in charge of the division which includes both the Lime Saddle and Cool Canyon power plants.  To perfect himself in the line of his work he has completed a course in electrical engineering in the American Correspondence School of Chicago and is well qualified for the position he holds.

     In Los Angeles, March 13, 1911, Mr. Caspare married Miss Flora Margaret Stewart, born in Graham, Texas, the daughter of J. H. and Clara (Dismer) Stewart, natives of Louisiana and Virginia, respectively.  The mother is now dead, while Mr. Stewart is a viticulturist in Fresno County.  Mr. and Mrs. Caspare have two children, Margaret Louise and Norberta Flora.  Mr. Caspare was made a Mason in Table Mountain Lodge, No. 124, F. & A. M., at Cherokee, in which he is Junior Warden.  He is also a member of Franklin Chapter, No. 20, R. A .M., at Oroville, and is a member of Cherokee Lodge, No. 92,

 I. O. O. F., in which he is Noble Grand.  With his wife, he is a member of the Rebekahs.



Transcribed by Roseann Kerby.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1089-1090, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Roseann Kerby.



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