Butte County








      NATHANIEL BROYLES.—Butte County has every reason to be proud of her native sons, and they, in turn, of their mother county, and of their pioneer sires; for without the help and farsightedness of these sturdy old settlers, the county could never have reached its present state of development and prosperity. Nathaniel Broyles was born and reared in Butte County, a son of Washington and Mary B. Broyles, both of whom crossed the plains to California in the early days, and whose biographies are given at length on another page of this history.

      From a lad, Nathaniel Broyles was raised on the home ranch, the old Broyles homestead, north of Cana. He attended the public schools, and finished his education with a course at the Stockton Business College. On completing his business course, he learned the blacksmith trade in the shop on the home ranch and, in company with his brothers, assisted his father in his ranching operations until the latter’s death, in 1911. They had an extensive acreage under cultivation, and the brothers received a thorough training in practical agriculture, which fitted them to carry on further the development work so ably started by their father.

      In 1911, Mr. Broyles came into possession of a two-hundred-five-acre ranch. Since that time, he has devoted his energies to raising grain on his land, and in the meantime has also set out an almond orchard of twenty-three acres, including four different varieties of almonds. The result of his early training is shown in the success that attends his individual operations, and in the good judgment used in the prosecution of his work. More familiarly known throughout the county as “Doc” Broyles, he is a popular and universally liked figure in the community, and one who can be depended upon to do all in his power to further the welfare of his district.

      In Willows, Glenn County, Mr. Broyles was united in marriage with Miss Jessie Hazel Cochran, a native of New York State, where she received her education and graduated from the high school. She later became a graduate nurse of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. Broyles are the parents of one child, Nedra. Mr. Broyles has always been a worker for the bettering of educational conditions in the county; and he has served as school trustee for nine years. Fraternally, he is a member of Chico Lodge, No. 423, B. P. O. Elks, and also of the Eagles.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 19 August 2009.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1237, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Marie Hassard.





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