Butte County









      CHARLES C. BROWN.--One of the well-kept and productive ranches in the Durham district is that owned by Charles C. Brown. He was born in Montgomery County, Ill., October 24, 1868, a son of O. C. Brown, also born in Illinois and who came to California in 1872, locating in Hanford. He bought railroad land in what was then Tulare County, planted an orchard and was successful as a fruit raiser until he died. He married in Illinois, Eliza Craig, also a native of that state, and she became the mother of six children: Edward; William; Frank; John, deceased; Mrs. Cora Young, and Charles C.

      The education of Charles C. Brown was obtained in the public schools of Lemoore, Kings County, Cal., and his young manhood was spent as a farm hand in the Lemoore section. He then spent three years in the employ of The American Biscuit Company, at San Francisco, then went to Colusa and was employed as superintendent of a ranch for a like period. In 1899 he went to Durham, Butte County, and worked on the Ferson ranch for two and one half years, then on the Yocum and Morgue ranches until he undertook to operate independently. He leased part of the Durham ranch and farmed it for five years and had fairly good luck. In 1908 he purchased his present place of forty-five acres near Durham upon which he erected a modern house and substantial barns, and installed a modern irrigating system. He has ten acres of almonds and twenty-two acres of prunes. For the past five years his prune crop has averaged two and a half tons per acre, annually. His best year with this crop was when it ran six and one half tons of dry prunes per acre--a record-breaker. To more fully keep in touch with the fruit industry he holds membership in the California Prune and Apricot Association. Besides his own ranch, he is leasing one hundred twenty acres of the Durham ranch where he has one of the best dairies in the county, with ninety cows, and also leasing seventy acres of the Stanford ranch, which is in alfalfa. He raises alfalfa and barley sufficient to feed his stock. His cows are grade Holsteins, with a registered bull. In partnership with William Murdock of Chico, he owns and operates the Rose Creamery of that city, a successful enterprise.

      Mr. Brown married Miss Grace Morgue, born in Butte County, and they have four children: Percy D., Doris E., Eliza G., and Gene Marie, who add cheer to the home.

      Mr. Brown is a member of Butte Camp, No. 1051, M. W. A., in Chico, and is a stockholder in the Commercial Bank of Durham.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 11 May 2008.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 905, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Marie Hassard.



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