Butte County











      Thearis Joseph Bohling, an able and successful young financier of Butte County, where he has been continuously identified with the banking interests since 1916, is in full charge of the Butte County Savings Bank, which is located on Broadway and is the oldest moneyed institution of Chico.  He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, May 29, 1897, his parents being Joseph and Alice May Bohling, the former of French and English lineage and the latter of Dutch and Scotch-Irish descent.  The paternal grandfather of T. J. Bohling was captain of a French merchant ship.        

      Thearis J. Bohling was a lad of six years when in 1903 he accompanied his parents to Sacramento, California, where the family home was maintained until 1910.  During the two succeeding years he resided at Colusa, where he completed a grammar school course by graduation with the class of 1912, and for the past eighteen years he has made his home at Chico.  He was graduated from Heald’s Business College in 1915 and the same year secured a stenographic and clerical position in the Bank of Chico, while in 1916 he became a clerk in the Butte County Savings Bank.  He was promoted to the position of assistant cashier in 1918, was advanced to the cashiership in 1922 and since 1927 has served as vice president, in which official capacity he is largely contributing to the growth and success of the institution.

      On the 4th of September, 1916, in Sacramento, California, Mr. Bohling was united in marriage to Miss Bertha I. Bowman, who was born in Berkeley, California, December 13, 1897.  Her parents, Frank and Edith R. (White) Bowman, are natives of Ontario, Canada.  The father is a railroad man and a well known Mason, having attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite in the order.  Mr. and Mrs. Bohling are the parents of two children, Dorothy Roberta and Thearis Edward, who are twelve and eleven years of age, respectively.  Mrs. Bohling has membership in Josephine Chapter of the Eastern Star at Chico.

      Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Bohling has supported the men and measures of the Republican Party.  He is opposed to the World Court or any other foreign entanglements and he advocates the modification of the Volstead law.  He was made a director of the Chamber of Commerce of Chico for 1924–1925 and again for 1930–1931.  He was one of the charter members of the Chico Exchange Club but withdrew from club activities in 1925.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic order, being an officer of Chico Chapter, No. 42, R. A. M., while in religious faith he is a Presbyterian.  Though not a member of the church, he finds communion with the Divine in God’s great out-of-doors.  Mr. Bohling and his family seek recreation principally in horseback riding through the mountain country, and he is the owner of some fine saddle horses.  He has a cabin in Butte Meadows at an elevation of over five thousand feet.





Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 296-297. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co.  Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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