Butte County








      Far-sighted and conservative, and possessed of splendid business ability and judgment, Thomas Bicknell was an untiring worker, and a successful man in whatever enterprise he undertook.  He had unbounded faith in the future prosperity of Chico, and in consequence invested a large part of his wealth in business and residence property there; and his foresight has brought its reward in the increased value of his holdings.  He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1847.  His grandfather was an English missionary on the South Sea Island of Tahiti; and when the French government secured possession of the island, his grandfather and father were compelled to leave, and thereupon went to Melbourne, Australia.  It was here he received his early education, and learned the ship carpenter’s trade.

      When he was twenty-one, Thomas Bicknell decided to try his fortunes in America, and sailed for San Francisco, arriving there in the year 1867.  From there he went to Colusa, where he remained until 1889; and it was in this city that he had the distinction of putting into operation the first flour-milling enterprise, with which he coupled grain-buying.  He later engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in Chico, which he conducted until 1907, when he retired and was succeeded in the business by his son, Harry.  Just before his retirement, he formed the Bicknell Estate Company, with controlled his properties.  He had acquired meanwhile two farms in Colusa County, which he owned until his death, together with a half interest in the Auditorium Hotel Building at Third and Main Streets, about half a dozen other well located business houses in Chico, and the fine residence at Fifth and Hazel Streets, where his widow now resides.            Mr. Bicknell was married in Colusa, in 1878, to Mrs. Mary (Yakle) Abbe, who was born in Iowa.  They had two children, Harry C. and Miss Jessie, both living in Chico.  There are also two step-daughters in the family:  Harriette M., wife of A. G. Eames, of Chico; and Cora A., Mrs. C. A. Elliott, of Sacramento.  Mr. Bicknell was a member of Chico Lodge, No. 111, F. & A. M.  He was a communicant of the Presbyterian Church, in which he had served as a trustee, and from which he was buried with Masonic honors, at the age of sixty-one years and eleven months, in the year 1908.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1225-1226, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Joyce Rugeroni.



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