Butte County








      An enterprising and successful rancher in the Nord section of Butte County, and one who has won recognition as a raiser of Duroc-Jersey hogs, Wesley Valentine Bennett is a son of the late James Nelson Bennett, mentioned elsewhere in this work.  He was born February 14, 1885, on the old Bennett homestead, near Nord, and was educated in the public schools of that district.  With the other members of the family, he worked at home until the death of his father, in 1905, at which time he struck out for himself on a quarter section of land located near Nord.  He leases additional land from his mother, operating about four hundred eighty acres to grain and stock.  Mr. Bennett is making a specialty of breeding and raising pure-bred Duroc-Jersey hogs, importing the original stock from Nebraska.  He exhibited his hogs at the Butte County Spring Exposition at Chico, in 1917, and took First Senior Yearling and Grand Champion prizes.  He has some splendid specimens of the animals and is building up a fine herd.  With the passing of the years, Mr. Bennett is gradually becoming more firmly established in business circles.

      On February 26, 1914, in Oroville, occurred the marriage of Wesley Valentine Bennett.  Mrs. Bennett was, in maidenhood, Blanche Millard, a native of Sacramento, Cal., a daughter of Frank Coburn Millard, who was a native of this state.  His father, John P. Millard, was born in Onondaga County, N.Y, in 1807, and settled in Des Moines, Iowa, at an early period in history of that state.  His wife was named Mary Gean Coburn, and was a native of Canada and a descendant of Scotch parents.  In 1859, Mr. Millard brought his wife and three children across the plains to California, with ox teams, and after his arrival here located on a ranch in Sacramento County.  The Millard family traces its ancestry to three brothers who migrated from Scotland to New York State, where they became prominent men.  Frank Coburn Millard was reared in Sacramento County and was married to Laura Whiteside, who was born near Webster, Butte County.  Her father was John B. Whiteside, who crossed the plains to Butte County, Cal., in 1854.  Frank C. Millard lived in Sacramento County for a time after his marriage and then came to Nord, where he is still living.  Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Bennett are the parents of a son Reed Bennett.  By a former marriage Mrs. Bennett has one son, Frank Millard.

      Mr. Bennett is a Mason, a member of Chico Lodge, No. 111 F. & A. M., and belongs to the Chico Chapter, No. 42, R. A. M.; Chico Commandery No. 12, Knights Templar, and Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., San Francisco.  In politics he is a Republican.




Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Pages 1177-1178, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2008 Joyce Rugeroni.



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