Butte County








      SCHUYLER COLFAX BENNETT.—A citizen of unquestioned integrity, and one who, by perseverance and good judgment, has met with success in his farming operations, is Schuyler Colfax Bennett, of the Nord district, Butte County.  He was born near La Porte, Ind., on March 5, 1869, a son of Hiram Bennett, a native of New York, born September 11, 1829, who later settled in Indiana and from there moved to Nebraska, in 1872, where he bought three hundred acres of land near Auburn, in Nemaha County, and engaged in grain-and stock-raising until his death, on September 26, 1896.  The father married Mary Ann Collins, who was born in Ohio, August 23, 1835, and her death occurred on the home farm, on August 23, 1904.  They had seven children, six of who grew to maturity, and three of these are now living.  The children are: Mrs. Delphine Rozean, who died in Norton County, Kans., in June, 1905; Thomas, who died in Harrisonville, Mo., June 16, 1918; Charles, who died in Nebraska; Hiram Nelson, who died aged fifteen; James W., who lives near Auburn, Nebr.; Andrew W., who lives near the farm of his brother near Auburn; and Schuyler C., of this review.  The grandfather, Hiram Bennett, Sr., mention of who appears on another page in this history, crossed the plains to Butte County in 1859.

      Schuyler Colfax Bennett is the youngest of the parental family, and was reared in Nebraska, on the home farm, attending the public schools.  In 1891, he came to Chico, Cal., and at once entered the employ of his uncle, John Wesley Bennett, on his grain ranch near Cana.  Here he learned to handle the big eight-horse teams and continued the work in various departments, and in the fall ran the combined harvester.  He made a visit back to Nebraska when his father died, in 1896.  In 1901 he quit working for his uncle, to engage in farming for himself, and that same year bought one hundred twenty acres, later adding eighty acres, and now has two hundred acres in one body, on Rock Creek, one mile north of Nord.  Here he raises grain, cattle and hogs.  He leases other land and runs three big teams in planting and harvesting his grain crops.

      Schuyler C. Bennett was married, in Oroville, October 27, 1897, to Miss Mettie Bennett, a daughter of John Wesley Bennett, and they are the parents of four children: Orril, wife of Albert Carman, of Nord; Grace; Claude, and Kenneth.  Mr. Bennett takes an interest in the cause of education, and for two terms was trustee of the Nord School District.  In political belief he is Republican.  In 1904, Mr. Bennett took his family back to Nebraska, during his mother’s last illness; she passed away three days after his arrival. 




Transcribed by Sharon Walford Yost.

Source: "History of Butte County, Cal.," by George C. Mansfield, Page 1124, Historic Record Co, Los Angeles, CA, 1918.

© 2009 Sharon Walford Yost.



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