Butte County









      In the medical field of the Sacramento valley one of the most conspicuous physicians is Dr. John Henderson Alexander, who is specializing in the treatment of diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat at Chico, California.  The large clientage which he now enjoys is indicative of the success of the practice of his profession, and the recognition of his ability which has been given him by the public.

      John Henderson Alexander was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, November 4, 1897, and is the son of John and Catherine (Campbell) Alexander, both of Scotch descent.  Doctor Alexander attended public school, high school and the University of Ontario, Canada, and it was there that he received his degree of Doctor of Medicine.  He then took a post-graduate course at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital of New York city.  He first opened an office for his specialized practice at Saskatoon, in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.  Later in 1926, he came to Chico, California, and has here continued without interruption.  His offices, located at the corner of Second and Main streets, are among the best equipped in northern California.  His suite consists of six rooms and two baths, and the most expensive and modern equipment is installed therein.  He is a close student of modern progress, and believes in adapting his methods of treatment to the newest successful methods.  Doctor Alexander is a Presbyterian in religious faith. 

      At Stockton, California, May 18, 1927, occurred the marriage of Doctor Alexander to Miss Avis L. Kroehler, a daughter of John Tobias and Harriett (Swinburn) Kroehler.  Doctor Alexander is an enthusiastic devotee of golf and fishing.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 160-161. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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