FEBRUARY 25, 1928


Published Every Saturday by and for Employees of the Los Angeles Railway

Janet Converse, Publicity Manager

W. T. Shelford, Editor







Back row, left to right:  Motormen H. O. Lillie, H. Underhill, R. V. Hildebrand, A. W. Palmer, W. A. Richards, B. R. Cox, D.C. Allan, J. Coward, O.  Burgess, C. and Detrick.

Front row: Conductors R. A. Holmquist, J. O. Bauer, L. L. Boatman, H. Keene, Conductor-Line Instructor H. V. Skoog, Conductors G. R. Boatman, E. H. Link, M. G. Law, W. H. Morgan, A. W. Berlin.


The old saying that "Cleanliness is next to godliness" applies to any business where the public is served, and in this instance the street Railway business is no exception.  Personal neatness and cleanliness point out a man with his heart in this work, just as it is a well-known fact that neglect of personal appearance indicates lackness in other respects.


The accompanying photograph shows a group of Division Five's best lookers "standing section".  The men of this division have taken it upon themselves to see that they are leaders in the matter of cleanliness.


Notices have been posted at all divisions explaining in detail the Company's attitude in regard to the appearance of its salesman -- the trainmen.  In these notices all particulars relative to what consists of standard uniform equipment is explained, and it is expected that each and every trainmen fully acquainted himself with the provisions of this notice.


Particular attention is called to the fact that in future periodical inspections will be made at all divisions regarding uniforms and personal appearance and such measures as are deemed necessary will be taken to secure satisfactory results.


In the group of trainmen pictured above it may be interesting to know that the Motorman John Coward, the eighth man in the back row, celebrated his 25th anniversary of service with the Company last Tuesday.  John has always been a consistent performer of his duties and his neatness of appearance bears evidence of pride he takes in his work.







Left to right: Motorman-Line Instructor G. M. Nankervis, Motorman M. M. Hogan, Conductor R. H. Mead, Motormen A. W. Johnson, H. T. Hansen, Conductor-Line Instructor L. E. Sherwood and Conductor F. Schuster.


For Motorman G. M. Nankervis of Division Three from C. W. Covert for his efficiency in uploading passengers.  Motorman Nankervis was very courageous but alert and through his efforts expedited the uploading so that there was a minimum of delay.


For Motorman M. M. Hogan of Division One from Mrs. M. M. Joris for the kindly courtesy shown in her getting up from his stool and offering it to her.


For Conductor R. H. Mead of Division Three from Mrs. A. R. Clarkson for courtesy shown a woman taken care in giving passengers explicit directions and information.


For Motorman A. W. Johnson of Division Two from Mrs. Herman Priebe for his courtesy shown a woman taken it all on his car.  Mrs. Priebe writes: "He helped her off the car and took her to a drugstore for first-aid.  If she had been his own mother, he could not have been more kindly."


For Motorman H. T. Hansen of Division Two from C. T. Fleming for his courtesy to a group of women waiting for a car.  He noticed their confusion and gave them explicit directions regarding the proper car and the point of transfer to reach their destination.


For Conductor-Line Instructor L. E. Sherwood and Conductor F. Schuster both of Division Four from Mrs. Loretta Hensey, whose letter is quoted: "I want to speak a word of praise for two conductors on the ‘C’ Line, No. 358 and No. 2268.  They are so kind and courteous to everyone.  They are not only kind to me on account of my being blind, but I have overheard different complements regarding these two conductors' courtesy to the people they serve."




Street Car



Pass No. 296 issued to Mrs. Frances H. Zahn Board of Library Commission, is reported lost.  If presented for transportation, take up, collect fare, and send to this office with report.



Fireman's Pass Book No. 39535 issued to Fireman Roscoe S. Creed is reported lost.  If presented for transportation, take up, collect fare, and send to this office with report.



The following passes are reported lost:

331 issued to George J. Galloway, Supervising Inspector, Department of Health, City of Los Angeles.

3160 issued to Mrs. Charlotte R. Prichard, wife of George A. Prichard

6418 issued to R. Spencer, Motorman, Division No. 3.


If presented for transportation, take up, collect fare, and send to this office with report.



The following passes are reported lost:

No. 1238 issued in favor of C. Hernandez, Laborer, Track Dept.

No. 2540 issued in favor of Mrs. Sarah Smithe, Car Cleaner, Mech. Dept.


If presented for transportation, take up, collect fare, and send to this office with report….  R. B. Hill.




This little fellow is Milton Joffee, one year son of Conductor Joffee of Division Three.  Milton is trying the latest steps.




Featuring Spurring Headgear


Here is the new headgear of the Motor Coach Division, displayed by Operator A. C. Lucas.  The new cap is so made that it will hold its shape, and the new style permits of ventilating strips in the top similar to those in trainmen's caps, making it considerably cooler.  Materials and color are like the former standard cap.  This is also used by the Los Angeles Motor Coach Company.


The photograph also shows the new cap badges for the Motor Coach Division, one-half the actual size, the distribution of which is now completed.  The edge is bright nickel, the background standard Los Angeles Railway yellow, and the lettering and numbers are in black, both on the operators' and supervisors' styles.  The use of the paper card with the name and number placed in a holder on the coaches is discontinued.


Lucas started with the Company as Operator on October 28, 1925, and is at the present time operating on Wilshire Boulevard during the day.  In the P.M. rush hours he works traffic as starter and loader for the double-deckers at 5th and Hill.


The Los Angeles Motor Coach Company has also just distributed new badges.  These are similar in shape but have a gold edge and green background, corresponding with the coach colors of that company.



To Tour Europe


The many friends of Mrs. Jennie Shand, will be interested to know that Jennie is to leave very shortly for a four-months' tour of Europe and she plans to visit all the cities of the Old World.


It will be remembered that Mrs. Shand was telephone operator on the Companies P. B. X. for a number of years.


All aboard and bon voyage!



Fleming's Father Passes


E. C. Fleming, Supervisor of the Maintenance of Way Department, has been called to Pueblo, Colorado, on account of the death of his father.  Fleming left Los Angeles last Sunday and takes with him the heartfelt sympathy of his many friends.



Better Look It Up!


Have you made yourself familiar with all the new information contained in the new Transportation Cases put out by the Instruction Department?  If not, get a good look at the color scheme in the exhibit of coach tickets and various modes of transportation.  You have one at your Division.


According to Dan Healy, Chief Instructor, all information desired by trainmen relative to tickets and passes is brought right up-to-date, and the printed matter supersedes all typewritten exhibits heretofore displayed.  So, wise yourself up on the latest dope!




Richard Harold age three years, six months, and Robert Harry, one year, four months, sons of Conductor A. R. Brown of Division Two.



Flagman Returns


W. D. Carpenter, Flagman who is celebrating his twenty-eighth year with the Company, has just returned from a four months’ leave of absence.  Carpenters health has not been the best lately and the rest, he believes, will help him considerably.



Division Assignments


The following men have been assigned to their divisions during the week and been Wednesday, February 29:


To Division Two:  Motorman F. W. Greene, Conductor A. L. Stockman.



For Sale


Three Room House, bath and breakfast nook, lots 40x100 feet, on Cypress Avenue, two blocks from Division Three.  My equity about $1000.  Conductor P. A. Bryan, Division Three.


Six Room House.  Have cut the price to $3100 with special terms to Company employes.  Half cash.  S. D. Moody, Division Three.


Turken Eggs for hatching.  $3 for 13.  Turken is the most talked of wonder chicken imported from Russia, half chicken -- half Russian pheasant.  Very large foul and wonderful layers.  Motorman J. H. Miers, Division Four.


Beautiful Combination Buffet and China Cabinet.  Conductor D. D. Lasswell, Division Five.



For Rent


Three Room Duplex, modern, garage, water paid, $20 per month.  Address 1924 Cypress Avenue.  Conductor John Marco, Division Three.




Motor Coach Division


by Elmer Wood


Conductor H. J. Rogers will not have to pay income tax next year.  No sir!  He says he would much rather give his money to his wife.  So he gave up his bachelorhood last Saturday, February 25th, and was married to Miss Agnes Knight, at her home in this city.  Among those present were Assistant Foreman Joe Le Prohn, Conductor W. W. Morse and Operator F. A. Barry.  The romantic meeting place of the two lovebirds was on the Melrose Line one year ago.  We wish them a long happy married life together.


It is rumored that Operator C. Lyles who is in Florida on a 60 days' leave of absence, will not come back a bachelor.


A mistake was made in Operator F. W. Barns's nick-name last week, it should have been "Dopie."


Operator R. A. Holloway is steering ‘em over the line again after having his tonsils removed.  A six days' six leave was all he needed.


Operator A. E. McDonald wasn't so lucky.  He was off three weeks recuperating.  He is back and "feeling fine again now."


Operator W. A. Brewer is collecting fares again after having spent six days on the sick list.






by Jack Bailey



All the boys are much pleased that R. Dwyer has regained his health and is back on the job.


Carpenters Bill Monahan and Al Dellinger both spent Washington's Birthday digging up weeds.  Bill did not make it in at all the 23rd and Al came in with a rather weedling manner and a lame back.


The attrition Al Schoonover does not give pencils away but he has a great bargain in cloths, a $40 suit for $20.  More or less used, but never pressed.  Don't crowd.


Carpenter Ben H. Grimm has a new set of teeth.  We found it out when he came to work with his index finger tied up, not saying he would bite it.


Welder A. Ayals (Councilman of Watts) lost his hat when it caught fire in the Welding Room.  C. Crumwell got big-hearted and gave him his derby.


Truckman Roy Williams took his family down to the Tweedy Air Port last Sunday.  His wife and daughter enjoyed a ride but Roy thought a ride would be safer with one foot on the ground.


Truckman Roy Baxter is sporting a new Maxwell.  Horsefeathers.


Tom Davis, Painter, came rushing into the office last week with: "Say, I just got held up."  Lee Crump: "That's fine" the Police are here to see you now."


With the assistance of S. E. Knowles, E. C. Smith took H. H. Sawyer to a housecleaning in the Drill Press Room Checker Championship game last week Machinists Sawyer is open to all comers.


The funeral services of Mrs. E. Hume, mother of Frank Hume of the electrical Repair Department, was held last Monday, February 27th, the internment at Rosedale Cemetery.  Many friends within the ranks extended a sincere expression of sympathy to Frank and the surviving family.



Division One


by H. N. Cole



Foreman J.D. Lair has traded his Studebaker for an Erskine coach, and to say it is a beautiful thing is putting it mildly.  It is simply a dream.


Motorman S. Scheinert is beginning to be a little superstitious, a believer in black cats, etc., and there is a reason.  He had a certain car on his run on Tuesday and he had the misfortune to lose a step.  On Wednesday and other motorman had the same car and he lost the same step.  On Thursday Scheinert had the car and again lost the same step.


The boys extended their sympathy to Motorman J. J. Hillis in his bereavement.  Mrs. Hillis passed away the first of the week.


Motorman F. L. D. Buck has reported for duty after a week spent at home nursing an abscess of the ear.  He says he lost so much sleep that he is afraid he will never be able to catch up with it.


Conductor D. A. VanDyke is confined to his home on account of illness.


Motorman F. H. Smith has the honor of being the first man out of this Division to get a delivery on one of the automobiles that the "world has been waiting for" so long.


Traffic Men H. J. Burke and George Moore (both formerly out of Division One) are gaining so much experience working at Wrigley Field every fight night, that it is rumored they are contemplating going into the business themselves.  Whether this is true or not is not known, but Burke has been advanced from Traffic Man No. 4 to No. 3, almost to the top of the seniority list.


Motorman F. H. Smith has resigned to go into business for himself.


Night Switchman T. P. Doolittle is taking a vacation of ten days.




Division Two


by E. A. Moxley



Clerk C. F. Paine started for home Tuesday afternoon, and was bumping out of the yard in great shape.  Some one pointed to his front wheel and Paine got out and remove the cause of all the bumps, a nice large theft lock.  You’re large enough C. F. to be safe driving the car without it, but don't forget to put it on when you go to work.


Motorman-Line Instructor B. T. Glennin is improving rapidly, and will be back on the job the fore a part of the week.


Conductor P.J. Boyer feels that he is not well enough to work on the cars and not sick enough to stay at home, so will try out flagging for a while.


Conductor C. M. Wells returned Monday from a ten days leave, spent looking over the city.


Motorman J. A. Defty has been off for the past week with a touch of appendicitis.  He is getting along fine and will be back to work shortly.


Conductor H. M. Jones had a growth removed from his heel and is taking life easy while it is getting better.  He has been off for about two weeks.


Think back and see if you can remember having your watch in inspected last month, if not, you'd better get an early start for this month.




Division Three


by L. Volner



Having one of the best cameras on the market, with an exceptionally fine lens a few Sundays ago Conductor Cumberford was out with a party of eight young lady friends.  Some very in fine snap shots were taken.  After the films were developed he had a picture printed to show the ladies and of course, being such a fine picture, each lady wanted one.  To show his generosity Mr. Cumberford offered to loan them the film so they could have heir pictures printed.


Conductor A. Henkel is the proud father of a six baby girl born on the 19th.  Irene Hope is the name given the young lady.


Motorman H. L. Zimmerman is off-duty on account of a light attack of rheumatism.


Who's goin’ to reimburse Motorman J. Hellman or rather his son for the 5c he was out a few days ago.  Mr. Hellman and son boarded a streetcar, the father presenting his pass and the son just like a real sport pitched 10c which his father had just given him into the fare box.  While nothing was said it was worth the price, says Conductor King.


Conductor D. A. Kuykendall is quite sick suffering from la grippe.


Motorman Simd has returned to duty after some time off on account of severe headaches.


Word has been received that Motorman G. P. Lyman is improving.


Conductor E. J. Clark has been granted an eight days’ leave to work around his home.


Motorman H. F. Reinoehl is off-duty on account of an attack of bronchitis.


Conductor J. B. Kaiser has been granted eighteen days on account of his wife being sick.


Kelly got his money's worth even if his Conductor I. Gasparro had to pay the bill.  During the rush hour at Temple and Broadway was a man with quite a roll of bills.  He pulled off for one and Mr. Gasparro shoved the bill in his pocket giving the man $5 worth of change.  Nearing the end of the line, when straightening out his money he found a two in his collection but not any fives.  What he said was cussing in Italian, says his Motorman "Kelly" Cimmino.




Division Four


by C. J. Knittle -- E. E. Johnson batting for C. J. Knittle


Mr. E. G. Benedict, former Stenographer at Division Four, very pleasently surprised us with a visit Wednesday morning.  He is going back to Kansas City.


A H. Montrose, who has been off sick since last June, has returned to wind ‘em up again, we are glad to see him back again.


Motorman G. H. Slatford, with Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith, motored to Bakersfield last Sunday in George's new Oakland sedan.


W. H. Snow who has been holding the center down on a run  on the "C" Line informed us that an uncle had left him a rather pleasant portion of an estate valued at about $100,000.


Motorman C. E. Grant who has always had a Dodge car, finally switched around and brought a new Essex Coupe around for the boys to look at.


It is with regret that we learn that the mother of Conductor S. T. Cooper's wife passed away last Sunday morning.


Safety Operator C. W. Allen, has fully recovered from his recent illness and is now back collecting fares and winding up a Birney car.


Earl Newhard, of the Mechanical Department is the proud possessor of the new Chevrolet Coupe with a mother-in-law seat and everything.


James Inman, Assistant Foreman of the Day Shift in the Mechanical Department is off sick, with a rather bad jaw.  What is it Jimmy, the Hoof and Mouth?


Motorman A. G. Randolph, writes from Phoenix, Arizona, that he is doing nicely, but is still holding the bed down twenty-four hours a day.


Motorman D. D. Rhoads, fell pretty hard one day not so long ago for the line of some slick salesman, in fact so hard that he parted with $27.50 for a membership in some take enterprise.




Division Five


by Fred Mason.



Motorman F. P. McMurphy, who has been on the sick list for the last six weeks, dropped into see us last Wednesday.  We are glad to see him up and around again.


At the prize fight last Tuesday, besides the movie stars, was one of our mechanics, Bashful Bill Hueske.  A guy called his attention to Ben Turpin, sitting in a ringside seat, on looking him over it turned out to be Harold Hale trying to keep one eye on each fighter.  Another gate crasher present was Conductor "Sy" Daerr.  For one dollar and a dime he made the fourth seat from the ring, $5.50, and to prove it he showed us the blood on the shirt.  Conductor Frank Adams was there.  He went for your the express purpose of seeing Dick Donald and try to collect the $2.20 he owes him.  Switchmen "Heine," Conductor Roy Meggison and another little guy had a wonderful seat in the top row of the circus seats.


Conductor Q. E. Stone started off on a thirty days' vacation last Tuesday and is going to Ivanhoe, California.


Motorman George Rupp started his vacation on Thursday last and will be off for one month.


Conductor D. D. Lasswell has decided to leave us and is transferring over to Division Three.  In his place we are getting Conductor Henry.  Good luck to you Lasswell, old boy.






Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2008 Nancy Pratt Melton