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        EARLY in the Spring of '50, a number of Kanakas from the Sandwich Islands came up into the mines; but being of an amphibious nature, they concluded to prospect the bed of the South Fork of the American River. They found a depression in the bed of this river some fifty yards in length and about fifteen feet deep. After a little prospecting, they concluded that there was enough gold in that cavity to satisfy them, and they proceeded to work the same in the most primitive style. They procured a number of empty kegs



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to which rocks and ropes were attached. These were sunk at the most favorable points, and the Kanakas, by diving down, would shovel the sand into them. They were hauled up and the sand was washed in cradles in the usual manner. But this deep cavity, like many others upon the various rivers, contained but little gold, as was afterwards discovered by a company that brought out the Kanakas, for upon pumping out the water by the use of water-wheels, not enough gold was found to pay the expense of working it.

      The fact that the deep holes and depressions found in the river beds of California contained but little gold was a singular discovery, and an unaccountable phenomenon to the miners, for, owing to the great specific gravity of gold, it should always settle to the lowest places, and it is upon this principle that the miner is enabled to make use of the cradle and sluices for the saving of gold. For such reasons it was hard to explain why the greatest quantities should be found on the higher riffles in our river beds and the less amount in the deep cavities. The only explanation of this phenomenon, in my opinion, is that these deep depressions found in the river beds were scooped out by glacial action after the gold had been deposited there.

      About the middle of April in the spring of '50, the central mining regions were almost entirely deserted. All business had ceased, and within a radius of ten miles, where hundreds of miners were hard at work but two or three months before, not more than six or eight remained. In the creek, for a distance of four miles from the upper part of Hangtown, to the village of Cold Springs, a distance of about five miles, but four miners were at work, all doing well, and two of them to  my knowledge, were washing out daily from six to fifteen ounces. All hands had struck out for better diggings. Did they find them? A few, perhaps, but the greater portion of them, who returned to their old mines in autumn, and found their claims occupied by others, concluded that they rather missed it. The rains being over by the last of April, mining with cradles through the summer season was impossible, except in a few localities. In some cases dirt was conveyed by ox teams and other means of transportation to where it could be washed, and other miners again would throw up their pay dirt on the bank, ready for washing in the fall.

      During the summer, an excitement was occasioned by the wish and desire of all Eastern men, or Yankees (for at that time all persons



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from any point east of the Mississippi River and north of the Ohio were called "Yanks" by all those who came from States west of it), for the admission of the State into the Union and the State was admitted into the Union on September 9th, 1850. From this day, everything seemed to undergo an entire change, and instead now of being a resident thousands of miles from home in a foreign land, we had by an act of Congress been transferred, as if by magic, into our own country, under the protection of the Stars and Stripes. Officers were now elected, and the machinery of a State Government put into motion. Posters could be found tacked upon the trees, stating that certain candidates for the various offices would honor our town by exhorting from a stump, or from the top of a whiskey barrel, upon the topics of the day, and what they would do if elected. Other candidates followed in proper time and order.

      I forgot to mention that towards spring, in consequence of the had conditions of the roads to Sacramento City, the prices of all eatables advanced to fabulous figures; flour at one time selling at $1 per lb., molasses and vinegar $2 a bottle, potatoes $1.50 per lb., and other provisions in proportion,. An Ames' shovel was worth at this time $16, and a good pair of heavy boots from $40 to $50; but, with the opening of spring all was changed, and provisions were as cheap as in any other portion of the State.

      The principal and chief article of food at this early day was the Chilean bean, and such was its value that in times of scarcity, as is related by some writer who witnessed the incident very probably, a miner seated upon a huge nugget of gold, offered the trifling sum of $25,000 for a dish of pork and beans. This fact, however, has been denied by those who ought to know.

      The following bill of fare will give an idea of the cost of living in the mining region at this period :




Hangtown, January, 1850.


M. Elstner, Proprietor.



Bean, $1 00

Ox-tail (Short), 1 50




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Beef, wild, (prime cut), 1 50

"        Up along,  1 00

"        a la mode (plain),  1 00

"        with one potato (fair size),  1 25

"        Tame, from Arkansas,  1 50



Baked Beans, plain, 75

"          Greased,  1 00

Two potatoes (medium size), 50

"       "             peeled, 75



Sauer Kraut, 1 00

Bacon, fried, 1 00

"      stuffed, 1 50

Hash, Low Grade, 75

"        18 carats, 1 00



Cod Fish Balls, pr. Pair, 75

Grizzly Roast, 1 00

"           Fried, 75

Jackass Rabbit (Whole), 1 50



Rice Pudding, Plain, 75

"       with Molasses, 1 00

"       with Brandy Peaches, 2 00

Square Meal, with Dessert, 3 00


Payable in Advance:

Gold Scales on the end of the Bar.


      Books, papers and reading matter of any description were very scarce, articles in the mines at this early day, with the exception, perhaps, of a few Bibles which were brought around Cape Horn. An acquaintance, who occupied a log cabin near, informed me that the only book he was able to find was an old Farmer's Almanac, for which he paid $1.00, and, said he,

      "I read that almanac through and through, forwards and backwards, sideways and upside down, and by spring had acquired such a knowledge of astronomical science, that I could locate the signs of the Zodiac blindfolded, stand on my head and calculate an eclipse, foretell the condition of the weather for more than ten years ahead, and prognosticate the value of the popcorn, baked peanut, and chewing gum crops for the whole time."

      Towards the spring of '50 a little event occurred here in this



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town for which it never as yet has received due credit or mention. It was nothing more nor less than the organization of a temperance society, and the first in the mining regions, at least, if not in the State. Money was contributed, and a canvas house was erected with a seating capacity for two hundred persons. Mr. Quereau, a prominent lawyer, was chosen as the President, and Mr. A. W. Bee as Vice-President. The Executive Committee consisted of G. Wheeler, F. A. Bee and three others. Meetings were held two evenings a week, upon which occasions old veterans in the business would enlighten the audience upon the evils of intemperance in general, as well as the horrors and dangers which would result from frequent use of the vile compounds sold in the mining regions for pure liquor. But all things have an ending, and the temperance societies are no exception to the general rule. In the autumn of '50, the greater portion of the active members of the society had departed for other mining camps, and it was finally abandoned for want of patronage.

      For the first six months after our arrival in the mines it was hardly possible to get a letter from our friends at home, the only chance being to send to San Francisco by some person who was going down on business or for pleasure. At such times the cost of a letter ranged all the way from $1 to $2, and even in some cases as high as $3 each, for the reason that the one who was willing to do the favor was oftentimes obliged to buy a convenient position near the post-office window in San Francisco rather than take his place in line, and be compelled to remain in the city longer than was necessary. But upon the establishment of regular mail facilities into the mines regularly, within four days after the arrival of the steamer at 'Frisco. Upon the day of the arrival of the mail, eager crowds of miners would gather in front of the office, and watch for the appearance of the stage as it came into view over the top of Hangtown Hill, and "there she comes!" would be the cry from a hundred throats, as it first made its appearance. As the boys received their letters from Molly, Polly and "Sary Anne," they would take a seat upon some convenient old box or barrel, and eagerly devour the contents, and the nature of the news, whether good or bad, could be easily seen in their countenances.

      "There," said Bob Hewitt, as he drew his coat sleeve across



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his eyes, after having read his letter while sitting upon a stump in the street, "that's just my infernal luck!"

      "Why, what's the matter now, Bob?" his friends inquired.

      "Matter ! why I have just got the news that I have lost a fortune down in old Kentuck."

      :How is that?" they inquired.

      "Well boys, don't you remember that little red-headed cuss who worked with me over in the big canon last winter?"

      "Oh yes."

      "Well, he went home on a visit and I sent a lot of specimens and presents by him to my gal, and I'll be doll garned if he didn't tell her that I was dead and married her himself, the little cuss, and she had a fortune too. Oh!"

      A regular post-office was soon established with T. Nugent as our first postmaster, and, if I am not mistaken, I think it was Mr. Nugent who first gave to the camp the name of Placerville sometime during the spring of '51, although it continued to be known and called Hangtown for three or four years afterwards, by the mining community.

      At this early day, there was but very little coin, either of gold



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or silver, in use in the mining regions, and gold dust was invariably used for all business purposes. It was customary in all business places, stores, hotels, and bar-rooms, as well as in the barber shops, to have upon the counter, or other convenient place, a pair of gold scales for weighing the gold dust, with the proper weights for weighing any desired amount, from the price of a drink of whiskey to a sack of flour, the value of gold dust being estimated at $16.00 per ounce, or $.80 to the penny-weight, as its standard value for the purpose of all commodities. In the use of fine gold dust in this manner much was scattered and lost; but in some of the saloons the ingenious barkeepers would take the precaution to cover the floor below the scales with cloth or zinc, and by this means increase their regular salary to some extent. Of one in particular it was said that in handling sacks of gold dust, although he was generally very careful, yet at such a time it was often observed that his hand had a remarkable way of trembling violently. The consequence was that the cloth upon the floor below the scales panned out monthly an average of about $100, which would have been entirely lost but for the wise forethought of the bartender. One of the barkeepers in a prominent saloon remarked that by the judicious handling of the buckskin sack, and with a tight floor behind the counter it was an easy job to realize $300 per month, and, furthermore, that he could even improve upon that, when he felt real well.

      The price of drinks at the bar in the mining regions, at this time and during the winter of '49 and '50, were ¾ pennyweight or about $.50 for a single, and one pennyweight (heavy) for two drinks; but it was not until the fall of '50 that drinks fell to the regulation price of $.25 (fancy drinks extra), which price was maintained for several years. At this early day, nothing could be purchased for a less sum of gold dust, or coin, than $.25, and it was not until '54 that the little innocent but insignificant dime came into circulation, which was followed a few years later by the diminutive 5-cent piece and the nickel, which will in their turn, no doubt, be accompanied by the 1-cent coin, as our civilization advances to higher conditions of development. Much has been stated in regard to the habits of the early miners, of their intemperance and manner of spending their money; but this is all a mistake, for they were as a general rule industrious and temperate in their habits, and in fact more so in my opinion, than any other subsequent emigration. The first temperance organization in



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State was organized by these same forty-niners.

      It must not be supposed that a residence in California on the part of the natives of the Eastern States, would cause them to forget the habits of their fathers, and pass over in silence or without recognizing, the day upon which all Americans give full expression to their patriotism. Among us were very many who were born and raised under the shadow of old Bunker Hill; consequently, it was absolutely necessary that we do honer (sic) to the day by celebrating it in the usual manner, a knowledge of which we had acquired in early boyhood. Stumps and old logs were charged with the powder; guns and pistols were brought into service, and upon the morning of the 4th they told the tale, belching forth the glad news, echoing through the hills that liberty and freedom had perched upon our banner, and that the 4th of July had arrived in California, and was going to remain with us. A military company was formed, commanded by "Squire Bob" (Ed. Otis, of Boston), and with colors flying, marched to the tune of "Yankee Doodle" and other appropriate military airs, performed upon drum and fife around through the town, and when, late in the evening, we retired to our cabins, we felt that we had done our share in the celebration of the day, and although so far from our homes, in a strange land, yet we had not lost nor sacrificed, in our desire for gold, one jot of our respect for the old flag or love for our country. I should have mentioned that at 10 A.M., exercises were held in the large tent used for a temperance hall, which consisted in singing the patriotic songs "Red, White and Blue," "The Star Spangled Banner," and others of a similar nature, followed by an oration delivered by Mr. Quereau.

      It is probably well known that the news of the gold discovery in California reached the Australian Colonies early in '49, and the consequence was the large numbers of the colonists made their way here immediately, and among them were a great many ex-convicts. This class went into the mines, and in '49 and '50 there were a large number of them around Hangtown and in the immediate vicinity. When these Sydney ducks (as they were entitled) were informed that a 4th of July oration was to be delivered in Hangtown, they protested against it, and made certain threats that in case any illusion should be made to England that was at all disrespectful, the orator should suffer the consequences. Mr. Quereau,



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however, nothing daunted, mounted the platform, and, taking a large horse-pistol from under his coat, he laid it upon the table before him, and delivered his oration in grand style, taking very good care not to forget old England, and he was not very particular in the choice of his language in relation to the events which occurred during our struggle for Independence. But there was no interruption from the Sydney ducks, and it was well for them that they kept good order during its delivery, for notwithstanding a disagreement among the residents of the extreme Eastern and Western portions of the Union, each one held an individual, undivided interest in 4th of July, and any attempt on the part of these Sydney ducks to prevent or to interfere in any manner with the regulation 4th of July oration would have been fatal to them.

      During the continuation of the celebration upon the evening of the 4th, a slight accident occurred, although not a very serious nature, yet very unsatisfactory to an inquisitive mind. Dr. Ruddock found amongst a pile of rubbish a keg, in the bottom of which was a quantity of wet powder. The Doctor was curious to know whether it would explode, and the only way to find out was to try it, and he


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did. Placing the keg upon the ground in a suitable position, he stepped back a few paces from it, and with a shot-gun fired a charge into the keg, and his curiosity was satisfied. He concluded the celebration of the day in a very heroic manner, but remarked when his friends, Luke Richardson, Hale Moore and Dr. Marshall were painting and oiling his badly scorched countenance, that he thought he had finished up the festivities of the day very creditably. Said He: "I had no idea that the darned old keg would kick back in that way; but anyhow my experience was a complete success, and that's some satisfaction."

      Fresh beef was now very plentiful and cheap in all the mining districts, and droves of wild Spanish cattle could be seen wending their way over the hills and among cañons, destined for the various settlements. It required, usually, quite a large number of Mexican cattle men, or Vaqueros, to drive a small drove of these wild cattle from Lower California to the mining regions, to prevent their stampeding, which they will often do when becoming frightened. Some curious scenes and narrow escapes of the miners among the ravines were often witnessed, one in particular more comical then serious, however. Upon the arrival into the lower part of the town of a small drove of this species of beeves, they became frightened, and the usual stampede and scattering among ravines and gulches in all directions was the result. A miner was seated upon his stool, washing his cradle. On the other side of him was the pit from which he was digging his pay dirt. This pit was about twelve feet square and about six feet in depth. Hearing a noise in the rear he turned his head, and saw very near him a wild steer, with the long regulation horns and with blood in its eye. He had no time to run, but leaped over his cradle and into the bottom of his pit. The steer, not to be foiled, followed in his track over the cradle and into the pit with the miner. They faced each other for a moment, and it was difficult to tell which was the most frightened, the steer or the miner. The latter scrambled out as soon as possible, and the steer was secured. This was the only instance ever known of a miner's claim being jumped by a wild steer.

      About this time a storekeeper in town found among a load of provisions hauled from Sacramento City, a barrel of provisions of some kind, which from all appearances and smell was so badly damaged to be unfit for use. It was therefore consigned to the rubbish



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heap in the rear of the store, where it was soon covered up with empty barrels and boxes. The proprietor noticed that certain emigrants from the Fatherland would be seen occasionally prowling around the back yard, apparently having lost something. But little attention, however, was paid to them, and one day a burly Dutchman came into the store, tired, covered with dust, and said:

      ”I vants me some von dot, for I vas walked more as den miles."

      The storekeeper remarked that he couldn't tell what "dot" was.

      "Vell, den, I shows you vat I want. You shust come mit me."

      The storekeeper followed him to the rear of the store, and the Dutchman, pointing to the rubbish heap, remarked that "some of dot in dere vas vat he wanted."

      The boxes and barrels being removed, the barrel of rotten meats was exposed to view, and he was informed that the contents were unfit to eat.

      "Ach, mein Gott ! I knows better as dot. You shust bust em in, and I shows you."

      The storekeeper, to satisfy him, with an axe "busted em in," and found to his astonishment that instead of its being a barrel of rotten hams, it was, in fact, a barrel of  good, old-fashioned sauerkraut of mature age made in Holland having been brought around Cape Horn in some ship. When the storekeeper inquired of the man how in the world he knew what was in that barrel, with a toss of his shaggy head and with a vigorous sniff he replied:

      "Vell, den, I shust nose it ! "

      This sauerkraut sold readily at a fabulous price, $1 per pound being considered very reasonable. The odor of it had been wafted by the winds though the various ravines and gulches among the hills, and soon was scented by the Dutch miners from afar, who came from all directions to indulge in the odoriferous compound brought from the Fatherland.

      Up to this time, quietness and peace had reigned and but few quarrels had occurred among the residents of the country, and, as far as I know, no one had been shot. Neither had there been any robberies committed, for there was no neccessity (sic) of it since all had the opportunity of engaging in, what was at that period in the history of the country, a very profitable business. Locks upon doors were unnecessary, and articles of value, as well as the gold dust in the cradle, could be left upon the claim in perfect safety. It was from


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this fact that originated the old, worn-out term of "honest miner."

      Many strange characters crossed the plains at this season; but a very few, however, came with the intention of mining or of making a living by manual labor at all, the great majority of them being bar-room loafers and gamblers. They all succeeded, however, in making a living by the use of their capital, which consisted principally of their wits.

      "Old Pike" was a character common in the gold regions, and specimens of this genus could be found in every mining camp. They were generally advanced in years, good natured, and afforded no little amusement to the miners.

      The back-woods fiddler, usually from Arkansas, was also a character seen in every mining town, and his chief business was to seat himself upon an old box or barrel by the saloon door, and give to the miners who congregated in the town after the work of the day was over a specimen of Arkansas music, such as the real genuine "Arkansas Traveler," with all its variations. By this means he was enabled, at any rate, to sample the various liquors at the bar, which answered also for victuals and clothing.

      Another singular character in the mines was the genus generally designated as "Dutch Charley." They were Hollanders by birth, and sailors by occupation, and singularly enough they were almost invariably the most fortunate miners in the camps in early times. Their claims were rich, and they enjoyed their affluence to the highest degree, for it was no uncommon sight to see one of these "Dutch Charlies" parading in town, on a Sunday, with a huge gold watch in each vest pocket and with an immense chain suspended around his neck and waist, with the ends reaching near to his knees. These chains were made from gold nuggets, which were fastened together with copper wire. But the career of his genus was short, and as the rich ravines were worked out many of them became very poor and hardly able to make a living, the majority finally returning again to the sea.

      The circus must not be forgotten, for in any quarter of the globe where an audience can be scraped together will be found the circus. The first to make its appearance in this part of the mining regions was Costello's. It was, I think, in the Autumn of '50. He had the unusual complement of horses and riders, with the clown as a chief feature, without which the circus would be a very


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tame affair. The tent was usually crowded of an evening with men and women principally, for the small boy who crawls in under the canvas had not as yet put in an appearance in the mining regions, being a later production, and only coming upon the scene as population increased and society was elevated to higher conditions.

      In the first settlement of the mining regions, game of all kinds was very plentiful, but as the country became more thickly populated, the deer and other game remained higher up in the mountains. Quail and jack rabbits are even at this late day very plentiful. Lions, as well as lynx and wild cat, are often encountered by the prospector, but are generally great cowards, and therefore harmless. The grizzly bears, the king of beasts of this region, which were often seen by miners, have emigrated to new pastures. It was unsafe to encounter one of these animals unless well armed. Good runners and good climbers they were no respecters of persons, and would attack a lawyer, doctor, or even a minister of the gospel as readily as a common miner, and enjoy it just as much. The tarantulas also, were very numerous at this time, and a dangerous insect to frolic with unless there was a mutual understanding at the



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start. Many were bitten by them, and in a few cases the bites proved fatal. Upon camping out amongst the tall grass, it was found to be a very wise precaution to first turn your boots wrong side out before putting them on in the morning.

      The grizzly is of all animals the hardest to kill, and for this reason many hunters were very seriously injured and killed by them. A miner, who was at work near town, came running in one morning with the news that he had just seen a grizzly in the brush behind his cabin. It took but a short time for the old Kentucky hunting sport, Dan Boone, a descendant of the original Daniel, to collect together other lovers of bear hunting, who, armed with the long barrelled (sic) Kentucky rifles, were soon on their way in search of his silver-tipped majesty. They found his trail, and followed it



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for some distance down the big cañon, until they finally lost it among the brush and rocks. They then went to the summit of a low hill to await future developments, but they didn't have long to wait, for the bear in the meantime had struck their trail, and was looking for them. The animal was soon seen near the foot of the hill, forcing its way through the thick underbrush towards them. Boone was in command for the occasion, and arranged his men in line ready for the word of command, and in a few minutes the great animal came into full view out of the brush and distant from them about 50 yards. Then came the order to fire, and the report of nine rifles echoed among the ravines and cañons. The bear stopped, looked up towards the hunters, shook his head with a savage growl, and continued to move upward toward their works. Boone ordered them to load hastily, and at the word every man to fire and then everyone for himself. When the bear had come within twenty yards of the line, the order was given to fire; but running was unnecessary, for the bear rolled over from the weight of lead. When skinned, eleven rifle balls were found in its body. A miner in Shasta



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County towards the spring of '50, while out prospecting, was met upon a narrow trail by a fine healthy specimen of a grizzly, and it seemed determined to salute the astonished miner with an affectionate and loving embrace the latter resisted vigorously the loving advances of the brute, and by a great display of courage and activity did succeed in saving his life, but not without receiving serious injury, his face being badly torn and one of his eyes entirely destroyed. As the country became more thickly settled, the rattlesnake, the scorpion, and the tarantula, as well as all other dangerous and venomous animals, followed in the trail of the coyote, wild cat, deer, and the grizzly, for new pastures far away from the haunts of men, the range of six-shooters, patent breech loaders, long range 42 calibre, whiskey, and the influence of civilization, generally.






Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.