Amador County









      For approximately three decades Dr. Eugene G. Woolsey has been engaged in the practice of dentistry in Ione and has gained a large and representative patronage, his patients coming from a wide radius of surrounding country.  Skilled and honest work has been the secret of his success and today he stands deservedly high in professional circles.  Dr. Woolsey was born in the town in which he now lives, on the 14th of October, 1877, and is a son of Robert and Mary Elizabeth (Atkinson) Woolsey.  His father, who was of English and Dutch descent, came to California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama in 1850 and first located at Land Plana, Amador County, where for six years he engaged in mining and in general merchandising.  He worked from fifty to sixty Chinamen in his mining claims, and during that period also conducted a boarding house.  About 1856 he came to Ione and, worked with his brother, as bookkeeper, and for Wells-Fargo as express agent.  He and a nephew later bought their merchandise in carload lots, and in supplying the miners it was a common sight in the early days to see their eight- or ten-mule freighting outfits making their way across the mountains to the various mining camps and other localities.  Mr. Woolsey died in 1893, at which time his business was taken over by a nephew, who eventually closed it out, thus ending one of the famous institutions of the pioneer mining days in this part of the state.  Mary Elizabeth (Atkinson) Woolsey, who was born in Ohio, of an old American family, was brought across the plains, a baby in arms.  On one occasion she was accidentally left behind and the company had proceeded some distance before her absence was discovered.  Members of the party hastily retraced their steps and she was found unharmed.  She survived her husband many years, passing away in January, 1924.  To Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey were born two sons and two daughters, all of whom are living.

      Eugene C. Woolsey was educated in the public schools of Ione and in private schools and then entered the dental school at the University of California, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1900.  He entered upon the practice of his profession in Shasta County, but at the end of a year he came back to Ione and opened an office, in which he has practiced continuously to the present time.

      Dr. Woolsey was united in marriage to Miss Elsie D. Smiley, who was born and reared in Placer County, this state, and is a member of an old and well known pioneer family.  To them have been born four children; Robert, is engaged in business in Ione; Kenneth, who is a graduate of the University of California, is now with the Pacific Finance Corporation at San Francisco.  During the World War he was in the Reserve Officers Training Camp.  Ethel is a student in the College of the Pacific, and Ruth is in high school.  There is also one grandson.  Dr. Woolsey has always given his support to the Republican Party and for twenty-six years has been a member of the county central committee.  He is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Woodmen of the World, the Native Sons of the Golden West, and the Lions Club, of which he is vice president.  He is a life member of the Alumni Society of the University of California.  He takes a keen interest in all athletic and outdoor sports.  He is very fond of fishing and derives much enjoyment from work in his garden.  He is widely recognized for his professional learning and ability and has charge of the dental work in the Preston School of Industry.  He stands for those things which make for the good of society and is regarded as one of Ione’s substantial and dependable citizens.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 56-57. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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