Amador County









      Among those whose business activities are to a large degree contributing to the commercial prosperity of Plymouth stands Verne E. Wheeler, senior member of the firm of Wheeler Brothers, owners of an extensive and prosperous general mercantile business.  He was born at Plymouth, on the 24th of March, 1890, a son of Norman E. and Emma (Wheeler) Wheeler, who, though of the same family name, were not related.  The paternal grandparents, Stephen Clark and Mary Ella (Thompson) Wheeler, crossed the plains in 1852 and located in the Shenandoah Valley, where they farmed from 1854 until 1910, a period of fifty-six years.  Norman E. Wheeler was born on his father’s farm in Mendocino County, this state, February 5, 1858, and became well known as a freighter in the mountains, which business he followed for many years.  Afterward he was employed in the store of the Levaggi estate for fourteen years, and then joined his sons in the general mercantile business in Plymouth.

      Verne E. Wheeler was educated in the public schools of his home town, after which he spent four years on a cattle ranch belonging to his uncle and two years in a general merchandise store.  In 1914 he opened an ice cream and candy store, gradually developing a large and important business, embracing a number of departments.  He carried on the business personally until 1918, when he entered the United States Signal Corps for service in the World War.  He was stationed at Mather Field for over seven months, and on receiving his honorable discharge at the close of the War he returned to Plymouth and resumed the management of the business.  His brother Lester Alvin joined him at that time and the business is now conducted under the name of Wheeler Brothers.  In 1921 Mr. Wheeler engaged in the garage business, which now demands so much of his time that he has largely relinquished the managements of the store to his father and brother.  In the garage he carries a full line of automobile supplies and accessories, maintains an up-to-date service station and a completely equipped repair department.  He also has the agency for various makes of radios.

      Mr. Wheeler was united in marriage to Miss Katherine Vaira, who was born and reared in Dry Town, Amador County, and they are the parents of three children, Evelyn, Eleanor and Elaine.  Mr. Wheeler is a Republican in his political views and is a charter member of the local lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, of which he is a past dictator.  He enjoys hunting and fishing as a means of recreation and is a very popular man in this community.  He holds to high business ideals and sound methods, and has well merited the success which is crowning his efforts.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 430-431. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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