Amador County









      Trevor Weston, who conducts a successful undertaking business in Plymouth, Amador County, and also sells insurance, is a native of this place, born on the 20th of August, 1880, his parents being Winfield Scott and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Weston.  Mr. Weston’s paternal great-grandfather fought in the War of the Revolution, and several of his uncles were soldiers in the Civil War.  Grandfather Weston, who fought in the Mexican War, came to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama in 1863, but returned east in the following year.  After the close of the Civil War he came back to California, settling at Oleta, Amador County, where he engaged in mining.  While there he witnessed an attempt by a posse to capture Juan Murietta, the notorious Mexican bandit.  He was a boot and shoemaker by trade and, after trying his luck at mining, he returned to that trade, which was an important one in those days, when all boots and shoes were made by hand.  Later he again followed mining activities and settled at Plymouth, where his death occurred June 16, 1912.  His wife came to California in 1874 and first lived at Volcano, but later moved to Oleta, where, in 1875, she met and became the wife of Mr. Weston.  They had five sons and a daughter, but two of the sons are now deceased.

      Trevor Weston received his educational training in the local public schools and then clerked in local stores for a while.  For about twenty years he was engaged in the butchering business, after which he took up contracting and building.  For the past twelve years he has engaged in the undertaking business and has a well equipped and nicely arranged establishment, and commands his full share of the funeral directing of this section of the county.  He is a notary public and represents a number of the largest and strongest insurance companies in the country.  He is an energetic and wide-awake business man, has won success and stands high in public regard.

            Mr. Weston was married to Miss Laura G. Dugan, whose father, Albert C. Dugan, was a member of one of the old families of El Dorado County, this state.  Mr. and Mrs. Weston are the parents of two children, Wilma and Elizabeth Marie.  Mrs. Weston is the present city clerk of Plymouth and is discharging her official duties in a very capable and satisfactory manner.  Mr. Weston is a Republican in his political view, and fraternally is a thirty-second degree Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a member of the Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots, the Daughters of Rebekah and the Native Sons of the Golden West.  A man of sterling qualities and genial manner, he is greatly esteemed throughout the community where he has spent his life.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 44-45. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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