Amador County









      Walter H. Taylor is recognized as one of Jackson’s substantial citizens and as mayor is ably maintaining the prestige of the family name so well established by his father, who was one of Amador county’s best known men.  The son was born on Pitt Street, in Jackson, on the 18th of February, 1883, a son of Benjamin F. and Emma (Palmer) Taylor.  The father came to California by the Isthmus of Panama route, in 1859, and engaged in mining, which business he followed during the greater part of his life.  He was successful and wisely invested his money in real estate, which through the years has steadily increased in value, so that at the time of his death, in 1917, he was known as one of this community’s well-to-do citizens.  In Sacramento he married Miss Emma Palmer, who was born in Maine but came to California in her girlhood.  She also died in 1917.  Of the children born to them, four are living.

      Walter H. Taylor was educated in the public schools of his home neighborhood, after which he was employed for seventeen years in the mills connected with the gold mines.  Since leaving the mills he has given all of his time to looking after the estate left by his father.

      Mr. Taylor was united in marriage to Miss Elva Kirkwood, who was born and reared in Amador County and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Kirkwood.  To this union has been born a son, Warren, who is an employee of the local telephone company.  Politically Mr. Taylor is a Republican and has been active in local public affairs.  He served in the city council for the past seven years and is now the mayor of Jackson.  He is a Mason and a Shriner, and he belongs to the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Lions Club, of which he is vice president.  He is fond of outdoor life and spends his vacation days at his mountain home.  A member of one of the old and prominent families of this section of the state, throughout Amador County he is held in high esteem for his sterling qualities and his friendly and sincere manner.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 50-51. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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