Amador County









            John Strohm is the proprietor of the Jackson Brewery and in the conduct of the business has met with excellent success gaining a most comfortable competence.  He was born in Germany on the 4th of January, 1850, and belongs to one of the old families of the fatherland.  He obtained his education in his native country and there learned the brewing business, after which he determined to seek a home and fortune in the new world.  He sailed for New York and after working at his trade in Cleveland, Ohio, and in St. Louis, Missouri, he spent two years in Mexico, and in 1886 he came to Jackson, Amador County, California, where he rented the Jackson Brewery, then a small plant.  He made it a point to use only the best hops and barley in the manufacture of the beer, and the excellence of his product soon gave to him a good trade, which has steadily increased as the years have passed by.  He purchased the brewery after a time and has expended twenty-five thousand dollars in improving the property, equipping it with the latest improved machinery and the best methods of turning out a first-class grade of beer.  His trade has now reached extensive proportions, large sales being made throughout Amador and Tuolumne counties.

            In 1887 Mr. Strohm was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Smith, a native of Germany, and to them have been born four children, two sons and two daughters, namely:  Jacob, who died at the age of four years; John, who died at the age of ten months; and Anna and Bertha, who are with their parents.  Mrs. Strohm is a member of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Strohm is connected with the Independent Order of Foresters, and in politics usually votes with the Democratic Party, but has never been an aspirant for office.  He and his family have a pleasant home near the brewery in which they are nicely settled.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 525-526. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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