Amador County









      John Strohm, one of the best-known citizens of Jackson, has been in business here for the past forty-four years, during which period he has enjoyed distinctive success and is very highly regarded throughout the community.  He was born in Germany, on the 4th of January, 1850, and is a son of John and Anna (Roherer) Strohm, who were lifelong residents of the fatherland.  He attended the public schools of his home community and then learned the trade of brewing becoming known as an expert brew master.  In 1880 he came to the United States, locating first in Cleveland, Ohio, and after about six months went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he was with the Hyde Park Brewery for two years.  During the two following years he was in old Mexico and other places, where he operated breweries, and also operated a brewery in San Francisco for one and a half years.  About 1886 he came to Jackson and bought the old Jackson Brewery, which had been established in 1860, being one of the oldest still in existence in the state.  Mr. Strohm started business in a small way, doing all of the work himself and using one horse and a wagon for delivery purposes.  He made an excellent product and the business gradually increased until, at the time when he sold his horses to install motor trucks, he was using twenty-six horses.  The coming of national prohibition compelled the closing of the brewery, but, in association with his son-in-law, William Krabbenhoft, who had joined him in 1916, they planned to meet the changed conditions, the plant being modernized and developed into an ice manufacturing plant, in connection with which ice cream and creamery products are made and sold and a bottling department is maintained.  Twenty men and fifteen trucks are required in the operation of the business, which is now one of the most extensive of the kind in this part of the state.

      Mr. Strohm was united in marriage in Oakland, California, to Miss Bertha Schmidt, a native of Germany, and they came to Jackson on their honeymoon.  Mrs. Strohm passed away in 1925.  To them were born four children, namely:  Anna, who is the wife of William Krabbenhoft; Jacob, who died in infancy; John, who died at the age of two and a half years; and Bertha, who died at the age of five years.

      Mr. Strohm is a Democrat in his political affiliation and for sixteen years was a valuable member of the board of supervisors of Amador County, for he took a deep interest in public affairs, and particularly in the building of good roads.  Mr. Strohm is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, in which order he is greatly esteemed.  Now, past four score years of age, he is taking things easy, the active management of the business having been assumed by Mr. Krabbenhoft.  Mr. Strohm enjoys an extensive acquaintance throughout this section of the valley and all who know him recognize in him a man of marked business ability and sterling personal qualities.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 26-27. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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