Amador County








            Joseph Wesley Sibole, a prominent citizen of Ione, has been a resident of California since 1864, having been brought to this state when but a year old by his parents, John W. and Martha E. (Wilson) Sibole.  The father was a native of Virginia, the mother of Ohio, and their son Joseph Wesley was born in Missouri, on the 14th of September, 1863.  The following year they crossed the plains with oxen, spending the winter in Austin City, Nevada.  While they were en route their stock was stolen.  The company divided when on the way and the other part was never afterward heard from.  After a long and arduous journey of six months the company with which the Sibole family traveled arrived at Mokelumne Hill, and thence the parents of our subject came to Ione Valley, the father renting land at Muletown.  He also engaged in mining and in 1880 he removed to his present home, purchasing two hundred acres of land, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation and which yields to him a golden return for the care and labor he bestows upon it.  There he and his wife are residing surrounded by many of the comforts of life.  In their family are two sons and a daughter, all yet living.  The brother of our subject, Francis Marion, is a resident of Ione, and the sister, Louisa J., is the wife of Miles E. Forest.

            Joseph Wesley Sibole, the youngest of the family, attended the schools of Ione in his early youth and continued his education at Mount Echo, where his parents now reside.  Throughout his entire life he has been engaged in farming and stockraising and is now following those pursuits.  His earnest prosecution of this business brings to him creditable success and he is now one of the substantial residents of the community.  In 1894 he was appointed superintendent of the farm at the Preston Boys’ School, the institution being organized about that time.  He has since remained in charge, having the entire management of the farm, the improvements of the grounds and the care of both the agricultural and horticultural interests.  He is a most accurate and efficient officer and has placed the farm under a high state of cultivation, so that the fields, gardens and orchards bring a good return.

            On the 25th of July, 1893, occurred the marriage of Mr. Sibole and Miss Alfreda Killner, a native of San Francisco.  They have three children, Erwin, Ida and Cora.  Mr. Sibole is a representative of the Knights of Maccabeus and in politics he is a Republican.  He is a man of marked business ability and executive force, and his indefatigable energy has brought to him desirable success in the conduct of his business affairs.  He is widely known and is recognized as a popular citizen of the county in which he has spent the greater part of his life.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 198-199. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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