Amador County








            Amador County figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divisions of the state of California, justly claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise which are certain to preserve continuous development and marked advancement in the material upbuilding of the section.  The county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who have controlled its affairs in official capacity, and in this connection the subject of this review demands representation as one who has served the county faithfully and well in positions of distinguished trust and responsibility.  He was formerly a member of the state legislature, and by his commendable course honored the commonwealth which thus honored him.

            Mr. Sargent is a native of San Joaquin County, California, his birth having occurred on the 4th of July, 1871.  The family is of English origin and was established in New Hampshire in 1630.  Many of its representatives have been prominent in the public affairs which form a part of the history of the nation.  His grandfather, Jacob Sargent, was a captain in the Revolutionary War, serving throughout the entire struggle which brought independence to the nation.  Subsequently he emigrated westward, becoming one of the first settlers of Chicago, where he built the old Canal House, which he conducted up to the time of his death, in the sixty-fifth year of his age.  Andrew Jackson Sargent, the father of our subject, was born in New Hampshire and married Miss Julia Moffatt, a native of county Mayo, Ireland.  The wedding was celebrated in Chicago, and by way of the Isthmus route they came to California in 1853 locating in Sacramento.  After a short time, however, they removed to San Joaquin County, taking up their abode near Stockton, where Mr. Sargent’s brothers, J. L. and R. C. Sargent, owned a large stock ranch.  At a later day, however, our subject located on Mokelumne Hill, where he engaged in stockraising and in the butchering business with his brother, B. V. Sargent.  He next engaged in mining on the middle fork of the Mokelumne River, where he continued for a number of years, and also mined in the state of Nevada and on Reese River near the coast.  Subsequently he returned to Calaveras and Amador counties and became the owner of various large mining interests.  In 1890 he removed to Salinas, Monterey County, where he improved a fruit farm, making it his home until he sold the property and removed to Lodi, San Joaquin County.  He is now living upon his old stock farm, and is accounted one of the trustworthy and reliable citizens of the community. In his family were seven children, four of whom are living, namely:  Elizabeth, who was later the wife S. Wilson and is now a resident of Jackson; Frank Webster, who served as deputy county clerk, and is at present undersheriff of Monterey County; James Richard Hardenberg, who is living on the stock farm near Lodi; and Jacob L., who resides on one of the old homesteads on Middle Bar, near Jackson.

            Mr. Sargent, of this review, was reared to manhood under the parental roof and in early life became identified with the business interests to which his father gave his attention.  He is now the owner of a number of valuable mining properties and one hundred and sixty acres of land, the three great fissures of the Mather lode running across the property.  His residence is situated on a knoll overlooking the river and is surrounded by magnificent trees, forming a most attractive and picturesque home.  Mr. Sargent acquired his early education under the direction of his mother and later attended the San Joaquin Valley College and the Santa Clara College, but his eyesight becoming defective he was forced to leave the latter institution just before his graduation.  Later he engaged in teaching school for a number of terms in Amador County, and was the candidate of his party for superintendent of schools, but was defeated by thirty-two votes.  He has always been an active Democrat, has kept well informed on the issues of the day and has attended many of the county and state conventions.  In 1892 he was elected a member of the state assembly, and in that session was made chairman of the committee on education.  He did effective work in the interest of the schools, and was largely instrumental in securing the passage of the bill reforming the school law of the state.  He was also a member of the committee on mines and mining, on constitutional amendments and on prisons and reformatory institutions.  He proved a very useful and faithful member of the house, and his record was indeed creditable.

            In 1891 Mr. Sargent was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Quinn, a native of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and to them have been born three children, Dorothy, Jacob L. and Robert M.  Mr. and Mrs. Sargent are members of the Catholic Church, and are well and favorably known in the community where they have so long resided.  He has made a good record as a talented member of the legal profession, but his time and attention are more largely given to mining and he is now actively interested in the development of the mineral resources of the state.  As a public officer he has been courteous, obliging and thoroughly capable, and these facts have not lacked recognition on the part of the people, who have accorded him due commendation.  His popularity in the community is unmistakable and he is justly entitled to consideration in this work as one of the representative men of northern California.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 479-481. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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