Amador County









      Thomas M. Ryan, the county recorder of Amador County, is a native son of this locality, having been born at Jackson on the 22nd of June, 1871, and has always lived here, being one of its best known citizens.  He is a son of Mathew and Joannah (Going) Ryan.  The father was a native of Ireland, when he came to this country first locating in Massachusetts.  In 1853 he came to California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and his first work after arriving here was digging potatoes where the business section of Oakland now stands.  He next came to Volcano, Amador County, where he engaged in mining.  However, he was severely injured in that work and engaged in the saloon and bowling alley business in Amador.  Later he removed to Jackson, where he was engaged in the same lines of business to the time of his death, which occurred in 1890.  Joannah Going also was a native of Ireland, from which country she accompanied her parents on their emigration to Canada in 1856.  In 1865 she came across the plains to California and in the following year became the wife of Mr. Ryan.  She is still living, at the age of ninety years.  To Mr. and Mrs. Ryan were born six children, of whom Thomas M. is the only survivor.         Thomas M. Ryan attended the public schools and took a course in a business college.  In 1888 he engaged in business in Jackson, carrying it on until 1909, when he was appointed county recorder, to fill out an unexpired term, and has been reelected every four years since, being the dean of the county officials of Amador County.

      Mr. Ryan was united in marriage to Miss Mary Le Doux, who was born at Sutter Creek, Amador County, where her parents, who were natives of Canada, had located on coming to this state.  Mr. and Mrs. Ryan are the parents of three children, Marie, Alicia and Mathew, the second named being a teacher.  Mr. Ryan is a staunch Democrat in politics and belongs to the Knights of Columbus and the Native Sons of the Golden West.  He is fond of golf, baseball and other outdoor sports, and is a man of kindly and genial manner, being well liked throughout Amador County, where he enjoys a wide acquaintance.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 54-55. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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