Amador County









      Elmer O. Rupley, a prominent and successful cattleman, has been a resident of Amador County for twenty years, during which he has developed a fine cattle business, to which he is giving practically all of his attention.  He was born near Placerville, El Dorado County, on the 23rd of October, 1886, and is a son of Joseph and Lavina (Olsen) Rupley.  His grandfather in the paternal line, who is represented on other pages of this work, settled on the old Rupley place in El Dorado County in 1852.

      Elmer O. Rupley was educated in the public schools of El Dorado County, after which he devoted his efforts to assisting his father on the home farm.  About 1910 he came to Amador County, where for many years the family had wintered their cattle, and here he gradually worked into the cattle business for himself.  For this purpose he rented the old Central House property and in 1922 bought six hundred and seventy acres of land from the Grambert estate, which is admirably adapted to his purpose.  He is a man of sound judgment in practical matters and has so managed his affairs as to gain a comfortable position in life.

      Mr. Rupley was united in marriage to Miss Hazel Askew, who also was born and reared in El Dorado County.  She died April 9, 1929, leaving seven children, Elmer E. F., Walton E., Lavina D., Hazel L., Iva M., Elton W. and Robert O.  Mr. Rupley has always supported the Republican Party and stands for progress and improvement as a matter of public policy.  He is a member of Placerville Lodge, No. 70, K. P.  Hunting and fishing are his favorite forms of recreation.  He is a man of excellent personal qualities, cordial and friendly in his social relations and is one of Amador county’s substantial and influential citizens.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 22-23. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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