Amador County









            One of the leading representatives of the mining interests of northern California, John Ross, Jr., resides in Amador County and is the superintendent of the Wildman and the Mahoney gold mines, both located at Sutter Creek.  He is thoroughly familiar with the best methods of mine development and is therefore peculiarly well fitted for the position which he now holds.

            A native of Scotland, Mr. Ross is one of the representatives of one of the highland families.  His father, John Ross, Sr., was born in the land of hills and heather, and was married there to Miss Maria Tyndall, by whom he had ten children, who were born in Scotland.  In 1870 he came with his family to America, locating first in Nevada, whence he afterward removed to Sutter Creek, Amador County, where he now resides at the age of seventy-eight years.  His wife passed away in 1886.  They were Presbyterians in religious faith and people of the highest respectability and worth.

            John Ross, whose name introduces this review, was a mere lad when he removed with his parents to America, and in Swansea, South Wales, he acquired his education.  At the age of fifteen years he came with his father to America, and throughout his business career he has been actively identified with the mining interests of California.  In 1894 he came to Sutter Creek to accept the superintendency of the Wildman and Mahoney gold mines, carrying on the business with excellent success for the past six years.  Both are excellent producing gold mines and the property in each includes a forty-stamp mill, which is operated continuously.  Both mines were operated in the early history of quartz mining in Amador County and have already produced three and a half millions of dollars.  Work has been carried on at the depth of thirteen hundred feet and a new shaft is now being made which will be three thousand feet in depth.  One hundred and seventy-four men are employed in the mines and the rich mineral products thus contributed greatly to the material prosperity of the community.  Mr. Ross has a thorough understanding of the business and is well known as one of the best representatives of the mining interests of this section of the state.

            In 1888 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Ross and Miss Carrie Springer, a native of Unionville, Nevada, and they now have two sons and a daughter, namely:  Vesta, Everett and John.  Mr. Ross is a Republican in his political views, yet does not consider himself bound by party ties.  Socially he is connected with the Knight of Pythias fraternity.  His reputation in business circles is very high and he is a man of thorough reliability, widely known for his honorable dealings and his justice on all trade transactions.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 330. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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